Personal Message

My motto in life:

"Go with the flow"


Why?  This is what I always do and it has gotten me through life okay so far!!  Another helpful motto is:

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" (or maybe it was something else -.- ...)






"Always want the least best reward but work for the BEST"

This one I made up myself.  It means that when you do something, work hard so that you have a chance at getting the best reward but expect the least best reward so you won't feel to disappointed with yourself.




About Me

Hello world!!  

My name is Nabila ____ (haha~ I'm not telling my last name YET)

The country I am from is Bangladesh but I live in New York City!  


                               Bangladesh     and     America


I am a muslim girl (me follows Islam ;3).




I love kpop (it's mostly the only thing I listen to!!) and I especially am in luv my Boyfriend oppas!!  I also listen to Bengali songs and some english songs .... I'm a random music lover that focuses on kpop ;3!!






I love watching Korean dramas (the first one i ever watched is Boys Over Flowers)!!  I watch soo many kdramas that my parents call me "Korean Crazy" ;P (I'm not crazy, don't worry ;D)!!




My Wish List/To Do List

  • Learn Korean 
  • Meet all of Boyfriend
  • Be friends with all of Boyfriend
  • Be successful in life
  • Earn a lot of money
  • Travel the world
  • there's more but i forget ;P


Favorite color: BLUE (have you noticed o.O ???)!!!!!


KPOP Groups I like:                                                      

  ♥ Boyfriend ♥

(I luv this group so if you're a Bestfriend, friend me and follow me!)











And the following groups I have listened to some songs and liked:







and many more!!! 


What kind of person am I?:

- a really nice person (or so I'm told)

- a little shy but I still try to be funny and fun and a good friend!! 

- Also, once you get to know me, you might even say I'm even a little crazy @-@ 
(especially if i drink too much soda but that's a story for another time ;P) 

- People tend to think I am very innocent (but to an extent thanks to my friends -.-)

- a total book worm/trying to be an awesome writer

Also, people tend to think I'm a little angel that will always do what I'm told but be warned because there is a devil in hiding and she can become angry (muah hahahaha  >:D !!).  























































































Oh!  you're still reading huh o.o ?!  Add me as a friend then!!

Anyway, personality continued...


- I am known as a nerd

- Some things that annoy me are grammar mistakes (maybe something to do with being a nerd...)

- I don't really like being called something that makes me seem younger than someone cause I'm used to being the older kid (don't take it personally..) you profile stalkers (kekeke xP) know me and there's more but I forgot what I was gonna write :( .


My Many Nicknames:  

CHiPMUNK, Smiley, Nabs, Nei Nei, Narnia, Nebula and more
(my friends gave me these names and I told them to call me CHiPMUNK and they agreed :3 .... my friends can be soo weird but a good weird ;p)



Other Random Things:

I really want to learn how to speak in Korean and have been trying to learn on my own.  I've picked up a few words from watching so many Korean dramas and plz forgive me if wat i type to speak/write korean is wrong and instead help me get better ^^.  

The group I am currently obsessed with is Boyfriend!!  Oh wait, I think mentioned that already o.o .....OH WELL!  Something funny that happens whenever I talk about Boyfriend in school is people go like "Ooo la la, she has a boyfriend!" or "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!?!?!" since I'm the type of girl they expect not to have a boyfriend because of my religion and because they think I'm too innocent -.- ... 

I picked my username to be BlueMoonBF because I just like the words bluemoon together (my favorite color is BLUE remember?) and I put BF because I am a Bestfriend (aka Boyfriend lover!!)!!   I don't really have a bias from my oppas because all of the oppas are too amazing to choose from so I love them all equally ^o^ !!  However, sometimes I get a bias for a little time then it changes again.....


Also, I luv working with pictures and words!  My dream was kind of to be a graphic designer but my dad says that's not a real job -.- .......oh well, now have to look for a dream that will make me successful and rich with a lot of $.$


This site is perfect for me because I can read about fanfics on Boyfriend and write my own since I ♥LOVE♥ BOYFRIEND \(^o^)/ !!!  Hope people give them a read (please *says with big eyes*)

To everyone who reads this. let's be good chingus (add me as a friend!!)!!  

Also, if you wanna follow me, ask me for my twitter or google+ and I'll pm u it!!!  Don't be shy (like me ;P)!


P.S. Sorry if I made anyone bored from reading this (I really like to type a lot.....even in my comments ^^'!)
        Also, DON'T ANYONE DARE TO TRY AND PLAGARIZE MY WORK OR I WILL FIND YOU (this is both a warning and a threat but no hard feelings ^^!!)

P.P.S.  If anyone dares to to be rude about my oppas or anyone's oppas (must be kpop, sorry ;P), well you better be ready for death cause there AIN'T NO ONE HOLDIN' ME BACK  O.o  and even if there was, no matter how much i luv that person...there arm might go bye-bye.

ALSO, if you agree with the previous statement, help me come up with comebacks (in my blog post)  THANK YOU!