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About Me

hello there i'm juliane (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

i live in the uk. heritage-wise my mom's chinese, my dad's half-korean half-chinese,  and i grew up speaking english at home. my korean name is 민지 (minji) and it means intelligence because when i was born my parents wanted me to be smart but i wish lol. (i have a chinese name too but nah y'all don't need to know it)

i'm bilingual because i went for chinese language lessons growing up. i can understand some korean when i read it, but i am by no means fluent (ಥ﹏ಥ). i wish i had learnt korean too but learning chinese was difficult enough lol.

i'm extremely late to the party but i only got into k-pop this year (life was so sad before this) and red velvet is my ult. i'm a terrible writer but i decided to try writing a story because i love my girls so much and why the hell not right <3

i used to think i had a bias in rv but i soon realised that i was being delusional and that i in fact love all five of them with all my heart.

y'all are fantastic people and i hope you have a snazzy day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)