



IMPORTANT: With which ship do you want this fiction to end? And how long do you want me to get this fanfiction, until 100 chapters?

  • Please end it with ChaeLisa!!!
  • Please end it with JenLisa!!!
  • Please write this until it gets 100 chapters
  • Nah please write less than 100 chapters (It won't have the same end as 100 Chps)

My Services

  • Reviewer

Personal Message

I will try to write different fictions about my favorites groups but my differents bias will be the protagonist!

I hope that you enjoy my fictions!

Follow @KJealousKmultifandom***Shipper on instagram °₩°~


Also follow me on Twitter as @KjealousAuthor

PS/ I also have a Wattpad! (KJealous (@KJealous) - Wattpad)

About Me

☆~☆ I'm 24 years old, I love art cos' I make art ♧

I enjoy learn new languages♤ I can speak English, Portuguese and Spanish!

 I love Asia world since 2011, I started listening C-Pop and J-pop then in 2012 I discovered K-pop ◇♡◇

I'm multifan I have one bias in any group or at least 2 ⊙~⊙

If you have any question let me know ~,~ also my location is a secret ;) lol I'm occidental! *3* (I write this for that curious people ♡~♡)

^~^ Also remember to follow @kjealouskmultifandom 


Also follow me on Twitter as @KjealousAuthor

PS/ I also have a Wattpad! (KJealous (@KJealous) - Wattpad)