Personal Message

Enter the "Adorkable" Aquarius. 



+The girl with too much time to think

About Me

Hello all, 

There's not that much to say about myself on a personal level, and I just want my readers and friends to know that I am human. I have human emotions, think human thoughts, and on occasion have the human urge to procrastinate. (My apologies in advance for any lateness on my part) Beyond that, I have a passion for writing and a highly overactive imagination. I'm talking like on a daily basis, I am creating a scene between two people I ship. Listening to the radio has never been the same. 
I will mostly be writing about Korean pop idols, and about 9/10 times will those idols be two men. I ship in a LOT of groups, so please excuse the sporadic stories and whims. Also, my favorite activity is to crack ship. If I can find a way to make two idols make it work between them, I go for it (Yes, I will take requests if you ask very nicely ;), challenge me) I sometimes branch into other fandoms, but it will mostly be kpop and Asian fandoms, such as anime. You have been warned. 

So, this is me, as I am, no holding back on what I want to write. Please don't be shy to reach out and say hi, drop me a comment or two, and befriend me if you really like what I have to write ^~^ 

​Happy reading and writing my friends.