Personal Message

"The space between reality and fiction is always an interesting area to explore. The great thing about creative freedom and fiction is that we have total control over what happens, how it happens, and what the ending will be. Unfortunately, the common bittersweet tragedy is that no matter how perfect that ending is, it will remain fiction... Personally, I don’t believe endings truly exist. But if they must, then I’d prefer endings that allow room for possibility and interpretation...It’s not that nothing happens afterwards, but rather, we just don’t see it happen."

Wesley Chan, Wong Fu Productions.

About Me

About US

We're actually 2 really twisted and awesome people.

We hope to share some awesome and twisted stories with you.

We hope you enjoy our stories! ^o^



Emotion will be in charge of... the emotion of the story :)) She's great with making the feelings of each scene prominent enough to the readers, but still subtle that the readers will develop the feeling on their own. Besides being the emotional side of XxTWisTEDxX, Emotion is also a great musician, great with the piano, guitar, and especially, vocals.

Detail, on the other hand is in charge of... the detail. Because of her keen sense of detail, readers can easily visualize the setting of each scene. Another side of Detail, is her desire to become a photographer, screenwriter and director.


Both Emotion and Detail are Seniors in High School who are due to graduate on March 2012.



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Twitter: TWisTEDLovely

Tumblr: twistedleapoffaith

Email: [email protected]