Personal Message

Writing takes a lot of creativity, you know? And sometimes my brain just decides to flop out on me in the creativity.

I have a new twitter, you can follow me if you want (I'll follow you back)

Twitter: @parkjjann

About Me


I will read anything that is interesting, well-written, and that can pulls me in...


Stories that I love....


Romance - that kind that makes you feel so intensely sad and so intensely happy that can make you throw everything.


Imagery/sensory - writing not only to know what's happening in a scene, but to live it, color it and feel it.


Theme - the ideas of a story that go beyond plot and make it that much more fascinating.


I also love to read that kind of dorkiness of a story... and that cute and fluffy things!


I seriously hate sad story or sad endings.. angst. It somehow makes me lost of my imagination and my mood to write.



I want to continue challenging myself.

Maybe someday I will take suggestions for writing.