Personal Message






Korea <3

About Me

Hi I am Katie Leeberg,

Yes, indeed the same name as my character in Stay. I needed a pseudonim since I don't want anyone to know that I am writing stories. And well, I thought it would be kind of nice to have the 'same' name as the very first charachter I made up.

I have to say, although Katie Leeberg is not my real name I am honest about everything else.  

I am not Korean/asian, but I am in love with the korean culture and their music. currently my playlist only exists of Korean music (and some French, but only Jaques Brell) and the biggest part of my playlist exists of Big Bang.

anyway, if you want to know something about me, contact me, tell me something, confess your love for me (Only Kidding) leave something on my wall or send me an e-mail to [email protected]



p.s. if you are on tumblr add me leave me a message to give me your username of AFF so I can be friends with you here and on tumblr.