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The Theory of Penguins

I believe that giraffes and bunnies are able to mate and produce baby penguins because life is just possible that way. Although, it would be hard to figure out which animal would be the one giving birth. It would hurt immensely for the bunny to even have a giraffe have s*x with it. But it is highly possible for the makings of these living organisms to have their genes mix and produce offspring to be known as the emperor penguins. As you can see, it is easy to tell which genes of the penguins come from which animal, either the giraffe or the bunny. The white and black colored fur comes from the genes of the bunny of course along with its cute adorable nature, whereas the personality traits of the penguin is recieved from the giraffe. Although penguins may seem cute and cuddly, it is actually a vicious creature just like the giraffe. They EAT and DEVOUR other living organisms. While the giraffe devours the helpless leaves of a tree, killing each plant off one by one, tearing it away from its branches, the penguin does the same but to fish. Penguins capture fish, taking it away from its families and the ocean to carnviorously devour the organism. Being the parents of the emperor penguins, the giraffes and bunnies on this earth are very proud to create such magnificent species. Although over the a long period of time, emperor penguins, the offspring of giraffes and bunnies, will have evolved through what we could biological evolution and natural selection where life goes by the rules of survival of the fittest. Over the years, these cute cuddly yet vicious penguins will have evolved into something so much cuter than before: whales. But not just any whales but humpback whales that resemble its ancestors the giraffes and bunnies so greatly.




Creatures and Games

Also, it is said that turtles are very slowpaced animals. That is not true, in fact turtles are known to be very quick creatures they only choose to be slow. This decision of course was made because of Super Mario Bros. When the game had first came out the world's best gamer had gone to every single level just to stomp on the turtles. He trapped them in their shells and tossed them around hitting question mark boxes of all sorts. Ever since then the turtle had developed a very contagious phobia that had been transferred between turtles everywhere from flying turtles to blue shelled turtles. They were all afraid to travel at their normal speed so that they turned the pace down leaving them as slow creatures. One day the gamer grew bored of not jumping on turtles anymore and decided to continue jumping on them no matter how slow or fast they are. But he had made the mistake of jumping at the wrong time in the wrong area and then goombas were formed.

Welcome to my profile and all it's y glory for Super Junior!!!

My bias is Kim Ryeowook

My favorite group is forever these idiots: SUPER JUNIOR!!!

I love all music though, and hope to make many friends with the same thought.

About Me



I love Minwook and Yewook 

I also have no bias in Super Junior, I love all the boys.

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