Personal Message

Personal message?  Well thanks for dealing with the usually long wait periods between my updates.  I'm sorry that author-nim is lazy sometimes ;_;  okay a lot of the time.  But thanks so much for dealing with it all, and I am grateful to each and every one of my subscribers!  Messsage me if you want to talk about mah stories or give me suggestions.  I love ideas and the sharing of dem.  "But dat idea tho..."  Get it?  Instead of "but dat tho...?"  Okay, I'm bad at being charming.  And even more thanks for putting up with my crap.  Author-nim loves you all :D

About Me

Herm... let's see, well I live and breath kpop, the internet, ginger icecream, and coconut water.  I like writing but sometimes writing doesn't like me.  Either way, I hope you enjoy my mediocre attempts at stories, whether to laugh at them or because you're nice enough to pity my ridiculousness.  Thanks for reading, subbing, commenting, or however you like to react to my writing. As always, suggestions appreciated!  Enjoy~ ^^