Personal Message

I'm currently trying to build my AFF family!  Feel free to talk to me!

And I present them to you in all of their glory:

kpopaddictz: Both Dobu and Umma are my good school friends.  They were the ones to first convert me to K-Pop, and for that I'm grateful!  They help me to learn it and are always there to help me with my writing!  Love you guys to bits! ;D

chuwichuwichibi: Though I've never met her, she's awesome!  Finally someone that's younger than me! (JK, love you! :3) Another person who leaves me wonderful comments~ Love you!

sunnybunny09: Another good school friend, she is also one of the quieter fangirls of our group.  She's really sweet and nice, though!  XD  Love you too, 'drea!

swabluu: What a lovely person you are. Somehow you put up with all of my ranting and my off-topic ramblings, but I don't know how. ;u; Let's love LJS together, forever. Yes. ♥

About Me

Heya!  Just recently got into this fandom and decided to write.  I would actually love if people gave me ideas for stories they want me to write; I get ideas that way!  

I write mostly AU.  

You can call me C-Sun like my friends do.