Personal Message

hi my name is chloe and i try write fanfiction that i myself would like to read :)


About Me

my native language isn't english, so sorry if i make some huge mistakes orz

i am of legal age (at least in my country haha) 

my favorite group is vixx but i don't ship them!!! (but i don't criticize you if you do bc they are all cuties and deserve even more love)

my other favorite musicians include dean, offonoff and hyukoh (i live for underground krnb and kindie yaaaas)

my favorite ships are: krisho :( (the feels...), markjin (cute, so cute) and jjproject (i pretty much read many fanfictions in my freetime, but mostly exo and got7 fics)

but i am open for new worlds and if you have recommendations, please write me uvu

what i don't read/write: character death. i can't, really. and also horror or seriously deep angst. i want them to be happy ok??? ok :)


Please enjoy reading my stories, I really need some feedback because I don't write usually (I am more of a drawing person) and I am really not sure about my writing style.

Comments are very very welcome!