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What should be my next FEMALE Version of a boy group? [If you have any other suggestions besides these four, omment so I can know :D]

  • 2PM
  • DBSK
  • Big Bang
  • Ukiss

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Personal Message

Roleplayer { RR }

 Hero / YoungWoong / Kim JaeJoong
He's always in my heart no matter what happens to him or DBSK

[Dong Bang Shin Ki]
All the way.


 August 16 ----- Author ----- Friend ----- Roleplayer ----- Texas ----- Pikachu ----- Hyper 


( `*Burning91Rose; Sarah )

B u r n i n g   N i n t y - O n e   R o s e s   s i n c e   ' 91 -

I am the mothering princess named; Sarah. You can reach me at; 5'5''. Pick me up at; iamlightasfeathers.

This chick is; sweet, sassy, spicy, nice, friendly, hyper, emotional, crazy, random and most of all funny!

Biases; Jaejoong, Jiyong, Junhyung, Jiho, Jonghyun, Donghae, Seungri, Kris, Hyuna, Yoobin, Krystal, Dara, Sunye.



[`*Daily Status; 15122012]

( eargasm ) regalmeunmuak chino y nacho. ( eyecandy ) kim jaejoong. ( mouthgasm ) halloween candy, yum. ( mood ) oddly, hyper

S o n g   Q u o t e   o f   T h e   D a y

"Its because today, I feel like eating you and making a show for many to see our action."



{ `*My Babies, Read Them and Enjoy Them }

- C o m p l e t e d   &   O n  - G o i n g -

About Me

to be continued.