About Me

hi guys! so i dont think many of you actually click on my profile, but if you did you probably want to know a little about me right?


Well, I write a lot of Baekyeol, not because they're my otp, but because the two are really easy to work with, and they have this teasing relationship which fits well into my writing style. Sorry, I can't do angst. :// everything is a joke to me, so if i end up writing angst, it'll turn out really greasy and sarcastic.

I dont usually reply to comments, because i'm scared I'll mess up, seeing that i am totally inept when it comes to dealing with people, online and in person, but i read everything. Seriously. Sometimes I gas myself up when I read comments, so keep it coming ;-)

So besides my life as a fanfic author who updates her stories on a rather erratic schedule, I am a high school student, so please bear with me when I take like 98 years to update. Between AP classes (and currently SAT classes), sports, volunteer, and club work, I don't have a lot of time. Plus, my writer's block is absolutely insane. I get random waves of inspiration at like 3am guise. It's wild. (I was actually motivated to write Spicy Kimchi Luv at 2am lol)

Other than kpop, I enjoy things like anime, bread, boba, korean drams, anything good on netflix, and my laptop. You probably have the image of a middle schooler with an overwhelming fringe dyed green right now. I can assure you, I do not look like that. I honestly blend into the typical sleep deprived teenager look. If you're wondering about what I look like, picture a petite Asian girl swallowed by a giant gray sweatshirt with messy hair and bangs in desperate need of a fix. Oh, and add eye bags to the look. I'm awfully mediocre lol, sorry to all the people expecting more.

What else os there to tell.. Is my age relevant? I feel like age is relevant with these things. I'm 16. Scary right, considering I am the maturity level of an eight year old and the social skills of a wombat. I haven't even started learning how to drive (I'm secretly scared because I played mario kart once and i horrifically.) I'm Vietnamese, so shout out to all my Viet homies... Sorry, that was my attempt at being cool. btw, I'm not cool. When I'm not sobbing over kpop groups or watching something, I'm usually studying, sleeping or eating. Sorry, I live a rather drab life. I wish I can tell you guys things  like I go out with my friends a lot or i go bungee jumping on my free weekends, but alas, no.

I think I just summed myself up pretty well. I'm amazed if you actually read all of that. Im a little chatty for someone who's socially inept haha. 

Thank you for reading my stories, and I hope you enjoy them. For now.. bye~~