When you see stories with 40+ chapters, you...

  • A) Feel excited.   (24 votes)
  • B) Feel intimidated.   (8 votes)
  • C) A little bit of both.   (24 votes)
  • D) None of the above.   (6 votes)
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depend on the story. if it's good, why not
I just back out. I don't get intimidated, I just don't want to read that long stories and I don't have enough attention to stay focused. It's a wonder if I read a 20 chaptered story, anything above is just ... No.
I like word counts better though and you could have a 30k words in 4 chapters and I'd read it and you could have 30k words in 30 chapters and I wouldn't read it.
I enjoy all stories I read. The length doesn't matter! :D
I don't get intimidated per se, but more like cautious of fics with 80+ chapters because more times than not, the authors only write a couple hundred words per chapter and it isn't satisfying to me. I am somebody who strives for 4K each time and I didn't realize that "standard" for readers and other authors is about 2K... and somehow, I still write 40+ chapters. It really just depends on the story, but you can tell early on in the readings if you are excited. :)
All of my current stories have 40+ chapters so I hope someone doesn't put off my stories cause of the chapters ><