295 buyers


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username: name here
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username: name here
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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum accumsan velit ut elit mattis, eget auctor purus accumsan. Pellentesque consequat sapien ipsum, nec faucibus ipsum rutrum in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eget nunc massa. Fusce commodo, enim ut ultricies convallis, lorem nisl placerat dolor, sed cursus mi tellus eu nisl. Duis et luctus mauris. Suspendisse vel tempor diam. Cras euismod faucibus auctor. In sollicitudin urna vel faucibus aliquet. Fusce lacinia mauris purus, sed ultrices lectus feugiat nec.




Seoul (n.) : is the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea. A megacity with a population of more than 10 million. The Seoul Capital Area, which includes the surrounding Incheon metropolis and Gyeonggi province, is the world's second largest metropolitan area with over 25.6 million people, home to over half of South Koreans along with 632,000 international residents.

001) subscribe to the shop after/before requesting or applying. no subscription equals to no graphics. upvoting is optional but loved! 002) drop a comment after applying/requesting, if there's any problems we'll just contact you there. 003) remember to credit the shop and designer! 004) you are allowed to request at another shop, but be sure to use our's for at least two weeks. 005) be patient, don't rush us. 006) re-dos are allowed, but only once. 007) the password is living the seoul life. 008) please provide hq pictures! it makes things easier for us. 009) after you receive your graphic, comment below to inform us that you have picked it up.





Part of the Christmas batch! 1/2:

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