Comments: Be With Me (EDITING)

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Chapter 35: omg i thought this fic was finished but not yet x|
Chapter 35: Jongdae is really sweet but Baekhyun :((((

ps: stay safe!!!
Chapter 34: omg that kiss!!!! please Baekhyun don't play with her feelings :( she already has so much drama family to get hurt by you. He should break up with Taeyeon and date Areum! they're meant for each other
Chapter 32: They should really send their mom to a psychologist because she clearly have mental issue at the moment. The accident turned her into a somewhat monster.
Chapter 31: She need to go back to school? So she did not finish college there?

I actually like Jongdae more than Baekhyun in this, he’s such a sweetheart and ultimately he’s there for her.
Chapter 30: Her problems are piling up.
Chapter 29: That line I still like you, it confused me too, I thought that they never confessed to each other. So her telling that to Baekhyun means that he did know? Or I’m just assuming things?
Chapter 25: Atleast her sister in law is still sane for not aborting her child. She just got tons of problems in her plate.
Chapter 24: I read this in one go and I was planning to comment on the last chapter but I just can’t help myself because my head is starting to ache because of the drama of being poor.
I get that they are poor but then again I thought that she had graduated from the US, then why don’t she look a job that would fit what she finished in college? I mean if you’re a graduate from the US most probably you’d get a higher paying job. It’s stupid that she went to the US to study just to get home and get a part time job as an English tutor. Going to the US I though that it is through scholarship grant or whag but then I get that they paid for it, how poor are they in the first place if they get to send her to college in US but the daily life they can’t support. They are all working.
Her brother is already married why don’t he and his wife start a life of their own? Why live still with his parents, I got flabbergasted when the mom suggested abortion, you can swallow all that and say that you’d kill your own child?
Also for a poor person to have a two car, wooooow. They could just sell those to get money.
Chapter 33: ugh I really dislike Taeyon! She's older than Baekhyun but she's acting like a jealous possessive girlfriend.. and Baekhyun is like a fool. Poor Areum :(
Chapter 32: I feel so bad for her T_T I wish her family problems could find a solution. I hope she will accept SM's job offer
Chapter 31: I love how sweet is Jongdae *_* he makes her smile despite having a hard life
Chapter 30: thanks for update again! I really miss this story
Chapter 29: Omg finally she confessed to Baek!!!
Chapter 28: The moment when she was on top of Baekhyun looking at each other was perfect! ahsbsuwjajua
Chapter 27: At least Baekhyun is starting to feel jealous. I feel jelaous too everytime he's with Taeyeon.. they even said I love you to each other.. feel bad for Areum :(
Chapter 26: Yey you're back! ^^
Jongdae is the sweetest. He could be the perfect boyfriend tbh.. I hope Baek will realize about her feelings soon!
Chapter 25: I don't like the idea of saying to the public the girl in the photos is Taeyeon. It feels like Baek is denying Areum as a bestfriend :(

Yesss let's love Baekhyun like always! Our puppy boy need us more than ever!
Chapter 24: Areum T_T I wish her family's situation can get better. Bakehyun have to protect her :( and please forget about Taeyeon!
Chapter 23: This chapter was really sad to read T_T can't believe her mother wants her own grandchild to die just because of money. She isn't God to decide this ugh I feel so angry :( poor Areum. This is too much for a young girl like her. And now this future scandal with Baekhyun making things worst. I hope someone will help Areum's family!