Comments: Sound Of The Sea [DISCONTINUED]

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aoisora-bluesky #1
Chapter 1: Interesting plot and the way u structured ur words. Cant wait for the next chapters
Chapter 10: that part when the strange guy saw sora’s bracelet, i hope it aint a bad omen!! and all the best for your assignments!!
Chapter 9: i really liked how this chapter kindof provided more info as to how jinju is like/what naeun is doing rn, and omg with u talking abt ‘drama’, i feel like the next chap is gonna be a ride omg
Chapter 7: been a fan of yours since frienemiesover and as expected another great fanfic from author-nim! great character development and unique plot 100% look forward for the upcoming chapter^^

p/s: serious changsub omg and that subtle changrong moments there keep it up wink wink
Chapter 7: yayy update!! i really like the small bits of humour here and there (like the part where taxi is hyunsik’s fav mode of transport etcetc) and im so glad that hyunsik is opening up to sora and vice versa! and omg is it just me or do i sense sora and minhyuk getting closer in the upcoming chaps~
Chapter 6: i’ve just read this from the first chap in one go and im so in love!! i’ve never really read fantasy stories before and this is really intriguing so far, and i cant wait for ur next updates. no worries about ur lack of updates, dont pressure urself too much. and is it just me or does this fic really remind me of the song ‘swimming’ that hyunsik released!!
--catastrophe #7
omg !