Am I...?

Am I the only one that is an awkward potato when it comes to socializing irl but when its social medias, I'm tht one kid who's always in capslock and sends memes like everyday???

Is that a bad thing?
[deactivated] 3 years ago
Lol no people socialise in different ways but it’s always great to socialise face to face too. Healthy balance!
4 years ago
not at all, that totally me :)
6 years ago
that's me... although I don't send memes... but I am super bad at socializing... going to uni for 4 years now and 90% of my fellow students don't even know that I exist and that I'm part of their class... but I can't talk to strangers first so... yeah well, I hate it.... but it's nothing bad in general
6 years ago
omg u r me
6 years ago
Well, I am one introverted person who takes time to get along with people in real life. It took me legit three months to get along with my co-workers when I changed job. But I respond to people according to how they treat me, so I can open myself quicker with some people than most. There is a quite systematic mechanism when it comes to real life society, but in the net, I can mindlessly drop a comment in a total stranger's post without breaking a sweat. I don't send memes and use capslock improperly, though (LOL).
6 years ago
YO I CAN RELATE ON A SPIRITUAL LEVEL— I loove meeting new people online but if we ever Skype or anything of that sort I’m like legit the complete opposite and it’s honestly quite awkward but when it comes to text—LETS BE FWENS *needs someone to meme with*
6 years ago
I feel the same way except no caps and memes. It's okay. I feel like people nowadays express themselves more through social media.
6 years ago
Although, I do like and enjoy being alone though.
6 years ago
Nope, this is definitely me as well, minus the capslock and memes, at least not all the time lol. I definitely am not the social type in real life. I can have my outgoing moments in real life of course, but normally, I'm shy, very quite, I rarely talk since I don't really like doing so, I've got some anxiety (leading towards the social kind) and I'm a total anti-social introverted loner. But when it comes to interacting with peeps online, it feels so much more easier. I can still get pretty nervous about what I'm going to say and all that, but it certainly is a breeze and I feel more relaxed fooling around with frens online~