Dog lovers??

Don't hate me but I am really curious. Even though I don't hate animals I'm not overly fond with them. I just find them cute though most of the times i'm scared of dogs because I was bitten by one before.
So what I'm curious about is the news i've seen on TV where people seemed more concern about mistreated dogs than people like them. And sometimes when people beats dogs because they said they have been harmed buy it people will get mad like mostly groups protecting the dogs. My point is I think if ever someone killed a dog let's say for self defense I think people will be more concerned about the dog than the person who just defend themselves?? I really find it hard to say what I want to say in english but I hope you can still understand what i mean.
Again I'm not against caring for dogs or something but i'm just curious about this.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I had a incident with a dog too although my case is propably less typical. Usually when you hear of people injured by dogs you think of aggressive dogs biting someone, but in my case an overly exited poorly trained dog accidentally almost scratched out my eye. Since then I'm also scared of dogs but its more because I dont trust their owners to be in control of them.
Since then some people who where there tell me i shouldn‘t hate the dog (which i don‘t) because it didnt want to injure me, didn’t know better, is clumsy and whatnot whenever I mentioned that the owner maybe should train the dog better. For some reason they feel like they need to defend the dog even in this case…
6 years ago
I get what your saying.. I'm a huge dog person aha but I think the reason people respond that way to anyone attacking an animal is because it is more often than not (like 99% probability) a human's fault why a dog retaliates aggressively. Not the victim's fault, but the owner of the dog. Some dog's are trained to attack for safety reasons, other dogs aren't and will still attack if they feel threatened, or they notice their owner is in danger. Some dog's are abused by human's physically, so they won't trust human's until they find a good companion, some dog's are put up for bid by being forced into dog fights (these dog's tend to be the most aggressive/mean). The list goes on and on.
But the number one reason why I think people get so defensive about dogs is that, no matter what kind of dog they are, once they are shown to a loving companion who trains them well, they are more than capable of change. And I say this from personal experience too. I rescued a pitbull-boxer mix who used to be very angry from being left to near death in an abandoned building, and now she would never even think about hurting another human being. She's the most playful, loving thing.
That being said, I completely understand your fear of dogs too (being bitten by a dog is honestly terrifying), so you shouldn't have to be afraid to ask these sorts of questions, or have your own differing opinions about them. But I will say this, the sensitivity regarding dogs, is most likely something you just won't understand until you have a dog of your own. Dog-lover's aren't overreacting about these sorts of things (though don't get me wrong, there are dog-lover's who do overreact, and trust me, you'll know hahaha) because there is a legitimate psychology behind raising, or caring for any dog that non-dog-lover's don't exactly get.
And also, if there ever comes a point in your life where you want to get over your fear of dogs, trust me, you will do fine!