Authors who never reply to comments

So I know, especially recently, a lot of authors have been worried at the lack of comments. It seemed to prompt the new Daily Comment Streak system to encourage readers to leave comments.

But for me personally, I get discouraged from leaving a comment when the author never replies. It feels like my comment is ignored.

I know some authors receive way too many comments to reply to every single one, but I know a couple who actually do take the time to reply even though they have hundreds of comments. And they'll say it will take them some time to reply but they do and I think that's great.

But I want to know your opinion. Do you mind authors not replying to comments?
6 years ago
@-natsukim Yeah me too. Even knowing an author won't reply, I still always leave comments.
-natsukim 6 years ago
I'm completely okay with author not replying mine. But, i feel really bad if I don't drop some comment.
6 years ago
@izreenmaszli Haha Yeah I recently saw that on a story I was reading. A whole bunch of comments were replied to except a handful scattered here and there and I thought, "I wonder if maybe the author didn't like those comments? Why didn't they reply?" :/
6 years ago
@BigBangontheBlockB I'm also happy when I get a reply. And yeah for not giving out spoilers, I understand why you wouldn't want to respond to theories but I think there's a creative way around that, like giving kudos if the theory is interesting and then saying they will just have to wait and see (and maybe add an evil laugh at the end).
6 years ago
@darkqueen_25 I think it's great you encourage conversation. It builds a relationship between you and your readers and gives you a chance to create a fanbase of sorts. I think those readers who feel it's easy to talk to you will always support your works.
But I know it's not always ideal to respond to comments, especially when it's something generic. At least you reply to really thought out comments. I know some readers really get annoyed when they type out a super constructive comments but they're just left hanging. They don't know if the author has read their comment or appreciated their thoughts.
6 years ago
@WoodlandSparrow I get that though. Sometimes you just don't know how to respond. I'm like that with texts too. Like, I might think too long of a reply and then by the time I want to reply, I think it's too late or whatever. So I understand from your point of view :)
6 years ago
@Korekrypta I completely agree with you. For me at least, a reply from the author definitely encourages me to comment again. I know it's easy to be a silent reader. You read the story and then leave. But knowing if you leave a comment and the author will acknowledge it, it makes you think twice before leaving the story.
6 years ago
@hatsugoii Yeah I understand the "update soon" comments. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't reply to those. And for upvotes, I think it's really nice when authors do upvote comments but I think they should only upvote comments that are actually worth upvoting. But that's subjective. It really depends on what the author deems as worthy of an upvote.
6 years ago
I didn't mind them not replying my comments but I DO feel offended when the author replying other comments but not mine
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I both read and write on here... i honestly dont expect a response but am happy when i do. As for responding... alot of them are either 'please update' or theories on the fic. I'll sometimes respond to those but i also like to keep them guessing and saying something might give it away.
6 years ago
@hatsugoii Okay, that person with the emoji was just rude. As if that would contribute to more than saying "well f u, here u have more now give ME more." -.- Just downvote them, they won't gain karma with that attitude then.
And no problem ^^"
6 years ago
As someone on both end of the stick (a writer and a reader), I try my best to respond to all comments, but also don't get discouraged if my own comments aren't responded to. If comments are repetitive or incredibly simple (I've received comments that are literally just emoticons before, for example), it's hard to find any reason to respond. I'll usually still respond with something simple myself, like a thanks message or a smiley, but I can understand why other authors don't bother. If the comment is longer, more detailed, and/or asks a question, I 100% make sure to respond, and unless an author is flooded with comments or is unable to respond because they aren't on the site often, I think they should try to give a reply. Writing stories on sites like these is a two-way streak, after all, and I always encourage conversations from my readers, whether it be with myself or other readers! It's a fun way to show that yes, there are actual people on this site interested in the content being written, and it's not all just random words thrown into the vacuous void of the Internet.
WoodlandSparrow 6 years ago
I answer sometimes, especially long comments or when I'm asked a question. I always give thanks for comments on the chapter and address general points (ex. If several people said the same thing) but I feel like writing the next chapter and uploading it is thanks enough. I don't know. I'm awkward, I sit there and open the reply box and re read the comment again and again and nothing comes to my mind. In real life, I often don't answer messages or it takes a looong time, so it's a small personality flaw at this point x)
6 years ago
@Tatari no worries lol. Yeah, I guess you're right. I actually don't know what to do when I got an 'update soon' comments so I just clicked the upvote button without thinking twice. I'm such a soft person so even though a comment like that makes me pissed off but I still forgive them ;A;. I once replied to an 'update soon' comment saying that he/she should put more into their comments, not just an 'update soon'.
The person did put something other than an 'update soon' in the comment. It was an emoji. (this was long before the upvote/downvote system on comment existed)

I guess I should be really careful now who to upvote in comments. Thank you for your advice ^^
6 years ago
As an author, I think that if authors want people to comment, they ought to take the effort to reply to the comments they receive. It doesn't have to be a long reply - sometimes just even a thank you goes a long way to show that you actually appreciate the fact that somebody's taken the time to comment on your story.

If the comment is vacuous, say, "update soon", then fair enough if you want to ignore it, but if they've actually written a few lines or even a paragraph out for you, at least acknowledge it. The more the authors reply to comments, the more likely readers are to comment again on that fic and have the courage to comment on other fics. (And I say this because I've lost count of the number of self-described silent readers who've told me they started commenting because I or another author they follow responded to their comments.)

Sure, it takes some time to actually go through and reply to all your comments if you get a lot of them, but if you get into the habit of doing it regularly, it doesn't actually take that long. If you don't get many comments, then you are more likely to have the time.

As a reader, I only comment if I really love a story, but if I don't receive a response, I'm much less likely to comment again.
6 years ago
@hatsugoii Sorry for butting in, but you shouldn't upvote an 'update soon' comment because the comment upvoting should be reserved for people you think deserve an upvote because you appreciate their comment for whatever reasons. You should in fact downvote 'update soon' comments because that way that person cannot gain karma by constantly posting 'update soon' on your story you downvoted them in.

By upvoting, you're encouraging their behavior.

Instead, you should reply with an answer when you think you'll next update and you can also mention that a comment like that is draining your motivation/inspiration to write. Most users understand if you mention it :)
Again, sorry for butting in but I felt like I needed to explain that XD

xo Tatari
6 years ago
@ayumu_lino Yeah, I mention a lot. If it's my first time commenting, I'll mention my thoughts on the characterization, the plot, points that made a lot of sense to me, points that don't make sense or little sense, what I think could possibly happen in future chapters (I like speculating about what the author plans with the plot) and get happy when I get things right, etc. If it's not the first time commenting, I'll look back on older comments of mine to compare my thoughts from then and now, get back to something I mentioned before and feel either stupid or extend a thesis of mine (aforementioned 'foreshadowing of the plot') etc. I look back on chapters for things I mention and quote, etc. All those things are mostly why it takes me so much time to write a comment, but I'm happy doing them because I know what it feels like to get a long, appreciative and well thought-out comment where you can read the sincerity of the commenter. It makes you feel so happy and I like to encourage other writers to write and improve (when I find things to 'criticize') their writing. I know that because I feel so happy when I receive a long, thoughtful comment. It can make a writer's day :)

My thoughts on replying are that it's a take-and-give situation. You can't just take someone's words and encouragement and give nothing in return. The more I'm given (long comment), the more I give myself (long reply), that's my kind of mindest on it. A reply to a comment on your story can also make the reader's day, just like the comment can make the writer's day. Take and give. It's not that hard ^-^

Thanks for the nice reply :)

xo Tatari
6 years ago
I don't really mind if the author doesn't reply to my comments tbh but if they do reply, I appreciated it so much because they took the time to reply. But as an author myself, sometimes I didn't reply my reader's comment when it is just an 'update soon' kind of comment. It really turned me off but it is still better than there's no comment though. But that kind of comments will get an upvote from me, I just didn't reply to it. I once got only one letter in the comment and it was a letter 'K'. Idk whether it was accidental or it was just someone wanted to troll me so I give the person a downvote.
6 years ago
@xoanneox Yeah, I get that too. If there's just too much and it's really difficult to reply to each comment. But maybe if there are few comments, surely the author can take time to reply to those few? But then again, I don't know the author's situation so it's okay. I think replying is a good way to show gratitude and even A/N that express thanks are good too. It's just nice when there's a relationship between reader and writer.
6 years ago
@RyuWatanabe Yeah, I know authors work very hard and it's not easy to write. They do put a lot of effort into their work. But when they complain that there are no comments yet I leave comments, it feels like I'm being ignored. But it's okay. It doesn't stop me from commenting.
And yes it's frustrating when underrated fics don't get any love. It irritates me even more when a popular fic, which is very VERY bad, gets sooooo much praise and upvotes.
6 years ago
@sylviaplant I don't mind A/N that acknowledge comments or upvotes and all that. I think it's lovely that the author makes the effort to thank their readers, in which ever way. But I also think it brings readers and authors closer when there's a good flow of communication. Like, I'm giving you feedback on your work and I would like to hear what you have to say about that. But yes, I know it's not always easy responding and some authors really just don't know what to say. I understand. So in that case, I really don't mind A/N that thank readers. I think that's sweet!
6 years ago
@istj Do you think replying to comments encourages readers to leave comments? It does for me anyways so I think it's great you reply. It shows that you appreciate the comments. And yes, for the tough comments that you don't really know what to say to, those are tricky! So I understand if there's no reply. Sometimes I just want to know what the author thinks, like if I leave a question or a theory, but then there's no reply so I'm like, oh well :/
6 years ago
@undergroundmuses It's lovely that you do reply even if it takes you a while. But I understand that not all authors have the time to do so. So I won't take it personally.
That's the thing I was thinking about. Authors want comments but then don't acknowledge the comments that they do have. I thought that was weird.
6 years ago
@EmmyXXD Yeah I get when you don't really know what to reply. It can be tough. You don't want to give a generic reply and not spoil anything for them. But even a simple thank you is more than enough.
Though I think most readers don't mind not being replied to. Maybe it's just me, hehehe!!
6 years ago
@Uunbiiyan I think it's sweet that you want to try in the future. But maybe if you can't, for me as a reader, I don't mind a short A/N at the end of a chapter thanking all the readers and comments and what not. That's okay too!
6 years ago
@Namlunasoo Yes, it is appreciated. I feel the same way. And for really old fics I understand if they don't reply. I'll actually be surprised if they do, ahaha.
6 years ago
@EeteuksAngel That's great! I've noticed a friendship forming between authors who leave replies and their readers. It certainly has brought me closer to some authors!
I understand with, what I like to call "useless" comments, such as "update soon". I hate seeing those. But I understand if you leave a generic reply. I don't think less of the author for such a reply because I know there's not much for them to say. I still appreciate the effort though :)
6 years ago
@cookiehyung Yeah I understand if there are like hundreds of comments that the author won't always reply. But for stories with very little comments I think the author should reply. But then again I don't know that author's situation so yeah....And I think if I left a very serious comment and there was no reply I would be like, "Well, did I offend you or something" or just feel straight up ignored :/
6 years ago
@kimchijima I understand. Sometimes it's just not practical to reply. And yeah, taking too long to reply can be a bit awkward, ahaha!