How do you felt, when you are going to publish your first ?
I'm a beginner with writing , I felt kind of scare to publish it. Because I think my fic is not good enough.
6 years ago
I was scared and I felt awkward writing the parts and because of the fact that I'm a self-critic, I almost didn't post it. But once I got that first comment and subscriber I was motivated to keep going. You will do fine.
6 years ago
idk... nervous? lol I'm bad at writing tbh but there are over 500 subs for my first so I guess you better trust your gut.
6 years ago
..the moment when would fit perfect in a scene but your underage yourself so it feels very strange to write it and I ended up not writing it (even tho some readers heavily requested it)
RyuWatanabe 6 years ago
I expect a warm welcome!!
6 years ago
You just gotta go for it fam my first was literally forever ago so I don't recall how I really felt but leading up to me writing it, I read A LOT of other highly rated fics and a thesaurus was my best friend lmao. A beta reader can always help to! Also, don't rush right into the actual , is important and anyone who says otherwise can catch these hands. There's definitely quite a few steps before actually doing the do. is a natural thing so write it naturally and realistically and you'll be fine ^^
6 years ago
I would say that the thing about is you have to make it believeable. The best way to do that is experience (obviously) but if you don't have experience, like everyone else has said, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Make sure that you aren't using childish or cringey terms that make the sound crude instead of y. I highly suggest reading some irl published novels to get a sense of what works and what doesn't. In terms of thinking it's good enough: if you don't publish it, you'll never know, so it's better to publish and receive feedback, than to hide and never improve.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I have a lot of respect for writers. I've tried it before and couldn't do it - I felt so uncomfortable writing it. I know not all writers will be uncomfortable when writing it, but it still amazes me that they can write it. And it's almost always good??? Like??? Nearly every fic I've read (or just a fic with in) is written really well. You might be writing something that some may consider "not real writing", which is ridiculous, but most of y'all are actually really talented writers lmao.
mysoulisstarving 6 years ago
omg. cringe...was what i felt the first time.

the thing about writing, not just , but in general you will improve and you will learn from your mistakes just have to make that jump. good luck!~
[deactivated] 6 years ago
Don't worry hon. Believe in yourself. Write what you really feel and about your needs
6 years ago
My first chapter was a disaster
But the second chapter was very good. Everyone appreciated it.
Of course, the first one will be not so good but when you write and read more, you will eventually get better.
6 years ago
I read stories before writing . My first chapter was a disaster
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I didn't feel anything xD
neonflowers 6 years ago
And if you think it sounds weird, that's because it probably does. Use your gut, use your feelings! Your instinct! It's not smt without feelings ;D
neonflowers 6 years ago
1. Read enough material to know what you're really gonna be writing about
2. Just do it lmao
(And no this is not nike endorsed HAHA)
6 years ago
Always go over the work multiple times and as all others have said, research plenty! Things like misused words will stick out greatly and ruin the mood of the writing, as well as a simple typo. And it's normal to be worried about publishing it :-) as long as everything makes sense, you should be fine and shouldn't fret posting!
6 years ago
As the others have said, research well (that will ensure the accuracy of terms used and the whole mechanism, yes, MECHANISM!) and seek reviews and feedbacks beforehand (self-review is recommended, too). Honestly, the first time ever I wrote something akin to adult themed scene, I was still very shy about it and instead of describing everything blatantly, I chose to write it into a poetic one (lol). I didn't publish that one, though. I myself had written several more explicit scenes and kept them to myself before I posted any online. The key that I always hold on to when it comes to nervousness about my own writing is: read it again (twice or thrice for me) since I find that I must enjoy my own writing before I present it to others, and if it's good enough for me, it'll be good enough for online posting XD
[deactivated] 6 years ago
lmao don't use scientific terms that's just weird
6 years ago
Sorry for the deleted posts my devices are facing some little technical problems >w<
So what I was saying :
If you could let the story in your drafts, and come back to it few weeks later you would have a better point of view on what you've written, because you would be out of writer-mode.
Also if you have some friends who like to read fanfics you can show it to them and ask their thoughts about it. It would be sure awkward at first - but once you overcome that embarrassment you'll be ready to show your story to the internet ! It's like overcoming the fear of the scene =B
6 years ago
You can at first let your story in your draft for few days without looking at it (bc you have to be out of your writer-mode to properly judge what you've done), then read a and after that read your story, you'll see if it's okay or if yours isn't good in comparison.
Also if you have some friends who like to read fanfic then you can show it to them and ask what they think of it before publishing it. It will be sure embarassing at first but once you've done that you'll be a lot less embarrassed to break your story to the world =B
[deactivated] 6 years ago
lmfao i just went for it. the first thing i published was a oneshot. tbh tho, I read a lot of before I even started writing so I generally knew what to write about. just don't use like scientific terms cuz that's... weird.
6 years ago
make sure to read a lot, do a lot of research and avoid using weird/wrong terms then you're all good :)