What author hates the most after updating

After some hard time+effort+editing just to update a new chapter, what are the things that author hates the most?

*silent reader
*update more/ soon
*you should've end it this way comments
*you should ship them together comments
*comment bout something not related to the chapter updated

7 years ago
Silent readers and subscribing then unsubscribing upset me the most because as a writer, I wish to receive feedback from my readers and when you don't get any comments, it's very discouraging. Also those who subscribe to unsubscribe is quite annoying as well.
Personally I don't mind the "update soon" comments because it shows that they like the story and wants more. But it's been a long time since I've received long, essay like comments that constructively critique the chapters.
Also some ask stupid questions that are very obviously written in the story and I literally have to facepalm myself when I read them. Makes me wonder if they actually read the story. The ending to a story on my page is clearly a happy open ending and yet there were several readers who got a sad ending out of it O.O
SakuSakura48 7 years ago
I think that the silent readers are the most upsetting don't get me wrong but at least one comment would make my day I don't mind the people that comment please update soon it's more of a encouragement
[deactivated] 7 years ago
Umm, no new comment?
chanbob 7 years ago
No new readers for me.
7 years ago
i don't really get the silent reader hate : (
i'm just grateful to anyone who has bothered to subscribe to my story
7 years ago
comments that's not related, one that asks what kind of story it is as if they don't want to read if it's not what they want.
i used to hate 'update soon' too but i've learnt to see in the other way, just see it as they're interested in our story and can't wait to see what happen next, because really, as a reader myself, i refrain myself in commenting 'update soon' but sometimes i just can't wait to see what happen next because it's really interesting.
7 years ago
readers who seriously comment pointing out like one wrong spelling. LIKE JUST ONE EFFING WRONG SPELLING AND THATS IT. like wtf????? i spent almost the whole day writing this chapter and all you could comment about was me misspelling the word "love" ???????? ok????? thank you for your feedback?????
7 years ago
I just hope I have more reader that's all .... XDD
AwesomeGalaxyPanda 7 years ago
Correcting mistakes - I mean I wouldn't say I hate it but it's a bit crushing when you've spent ages writing something out (what is schoolwork??) And you see a new comment, get really excited only to find out that it's telling you about a spelling mistake you made on the third paragraph. Its a little embarrassing and disappointing. I mean it does help you correct it but it's a lil sad to read. I'm okay with silent readers and update sooner is a little cute cause it means someone other than you actually gives a crap but an overall lack of feedback is hard to deal with defo!
7 years ago
The update soon comments make giggle because I don't really take them seriously. I am not a miracle worker and it takes time. But people misunderstanding something or asking questions which are very obvious in the text is slightly annoying, not too much.
7 years ago
About the silent readers and the lack of feedback, that's what pains me the most. i am the type of writer to leave author's note that people can comment on, ask for opinions and answers and reply to everything I get because it's basic politeness for me (even if it takes me time to get the time to do it). And I actually get answers and comments quite often in comparison to some other authors here, and I am extremely grateful for it. But here is the case. i wrote something exhausting a while back, something that drained me and made me work through a serious case of writer's block, something that people wanted. And I didn't get almost any feedback. I am still kinda pissed about it.
7 years ago
@MissMinew Those kinds of comments are so annoying ;_; I had one person comment on one of my fics saying "I know you said [complete opposite to what I'd actually said], but..." and I was like "uh... did you actually read it at all?" They then tried to argue with me on the basis of what they were projecting me to have said when things I'd written in chapters and a/ns from the start of the story (and around which the entire story revolved) blatantly contradicted her entire premise. I was not amused.
7 years ago
On the note of silent readers (and this is in the capacity of a writer rather than a reader when I say I don't understand why such a big meal is made out of this), if more than 5% of your VOTERS (not subscribers, mind) comment on a chapter, you're doing average-to-pretty well. If about 10% comment, you're doing pretty well. If MORE than 10% comment, you're doing very well.

Also, in the capacity of an author, I have little sympathy for the writers who complain about silent readers but who then don't make much of an effort to encourage interaction. And I'm not talking about asking people to leave comments (because they aren't going to know what to say and it's also almost as annoying as receiving "update soon" comments): I'm talking about finding ways to engage them. If there are readers who leave comments, reply to them, even if the reply is very short. Ask a question about something topical in an a/n, or share a song you like (but don't turn it into a blogpost about your life). Offer secret karma points for people who guess plot points or something similar.
There are also multiple ways a reader can give back without commenting. These include:
- subscribing
- upvoting
- recommending the fic to a recs list
- recommending the fic to friends
- recommending the fic on a recs list
- making graphics/posters etc.

I'm trying to start an initiative to encourage readers to comment more and authors to engage with their readers more (I have more about it on my profile, if anybody's interested - it's in the "about me" section).

I agree with you on all the other fronts (except unsubscribers don't really bother me too much - my fics are all subscribers only and some people are going to read a chapter or two and then decide they don't like them and that's their prerogative rather than mine).
7 years ago
I don't like comments that are only like: "Woah. Update soon!" I mean, what's the point in commenting when you have nothing to say and I LITERALLY just updated? xD I like reading how my readers view the character development, I write angsty stuff, so I have many things planned out in my mind but the question is if I channeled the right amount information for the readers. It's okay to be a silent reader, it's better to show you're into a story by analysing it, but it's horrible to have readers that comment just for the comment's (and karma's) sake orz
7 years ago
also, i used to be heavily concerned about the silent readers but now, ive reached a point where i write because i want to improve myself more than getting any verbal response from readers. :)
7 years ago
when i first read the title, i was like "is there something i should hate after updating?" XD from the list, i would say it's most probably the silent reader. well, i need feedback about the chapters that i updated to know whether it's good enough or not. but then, if i don't write chapters good enough to rouse questions or comments from the readers, i guess it's my own doings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7 years ago
Idk, man. I was gonna say silence but tbh, I have learned to love the silence, so it doesn't hurt as such. XD I think it would be comments that seem to ask questions that prove that the reader hasn't fully read the story. Those are sort of annoying. ;;
7 years ago
I hate no activity, as in no subs, votes, comments or anything. It makes me a bit sad, not only 'cause it makes me feel nothing interesting is catching the readers' attention, but because it may mean that people who looked at the story weren't impressed. I'm alright with silent readers - some people show their love by upvoting, and it doesn't mean they don't like it but some people are just shy.