Through the sinkhole? ~Dream~

Hey guys! I decided that whenever I have dreams with kpop in them I'm going to place them in a blog, like here.

Many of you don't know me that well, and that's okay. I have a severe panic disorder that disrupts my daily life with things like panic and anxiety attacks, insomnia, paranoia, insecurity, social anxiety, and overactive dreams. 

This dream is so vivid that I felt like I needed to put it somewhere. So here. I even named it.


Through the Sinkhole

   I distinctly remember it taking place at my Papaw's house (papaw is my way of saying grandfather). I find that odd since most of my dreams that never make sense happen there. My papaw has a huge yard that is several acres long and wide that has his house on one side and my aunt's house on the other. I remember it feeling like a nice day, I believe I had short sleeves on and I remember the gentle sun being there. I was older in my dream, like in my twenties. I also remember that in my dream I might have been related to Tao. 

   Anyways, the starter of this dream is that me and a few family members discovered a hole in the ground that was directly in the middle of the yard. Over the next few days it would get bigger and bigger. We started to worry because the town where my papaw lives (and where I grew up) has a very poor foundation and it's basically marshland/swamp area. Lake Michigan (the big lake that is near Chicago in the United States) used to be apart of this area hundreds and hundreds of years ago. So for the longest time that was actually where the lake went out to.If you dig a few feet underground you will find water- that's how weak and unstable it is. 

   Back to my dream, we soon decided that it was a sinkhole. I don't know why we didn't get the law/authorities involved.The sinkhole was barely big enough for a person to fit through. Unlike other sinkholes, you couldn't see straight down. I remember that at this time Tao went missing. I cared about him a lot in my dream and I wanted to find him. I would go to the sinkhole everyday worrying that he might have fell in- and that he might possibly be dead. In my dream I think I was an environmental scientist because my family would urge me to check out the hole and see what I could do. Days would pass by of me surveying it and Tao was still gone. It worried me sick and what made it worse is that in my dream Tao had a son.

   I remember after checking out the sinkhole daily I would go to what would be my aunts house. She isn't in this story, the only thing I know is that it's that house. Tao's son lived there. I wish I could remember if i was related to him or not- however when I would see little Tao my heart would fill up with love. He looked exactly like his father. He was the cutest thing. I know that the child loved me back too. He would reach for me everytime I would pass by him. He had to be around 4 years old. I remember making the decision of raising him if Tao never came back home. Tao's son was also named Tao so I will refer to him as Little Tao from now on.

   One morning I went outside and noticed that my Papaw put a wire fence around the hole. I thanked him since my fears would go away of someone falling in. However, I was really curious. I was alone and I decided to hop the fence. All I was doing was peering down at the hole when I suddenly fell in face first. I was screaming and flailing. The sinkhole began to move and I felt as if it was a suction cup, me in. I looked up and noticed that my grandmother and Lay was reaching for me (I have no idea how that dimpled cutie got into my dream). I grabbed onto my grandmother's hand (which is also weird, she passed away early last year) and she began to pull me up. When I was up far enough I grabbed onto the fence and pulled myself out. For one second I felt drained, I didn't want to move and I was almost asking for death. Then I remembered something and I got up. And ran.

   I ran to my aunt's house, not caring if I was covered in dirt and mud. I walked in and Little Tao was sitting there waiting to greet me in a high chair while on a er. I remember that beautiful smile he gave me, it was the most vivid part of my dream. In my dream Little Tao was a little lighter skinned than his father and he had freckles across the bridge of his nose. I began to cry as I ran to him, throwing my arms around him. I thought I was going to die. I thought I would never see the baby again. I took him out and sat at the kitchen table thinking, still dirty. I realized that in the sinkhole I didn't feel water or wet mud like I should have. The town where my grandfather lives is a floodplain to a river and is less that 600 feet above sea level. Instead I felt an open area with my feet. In the sinkhole I fell face first but I ended up on my side. My feet were the deepest in and I felt nothing, just open space. I was dumbfounded and I didn't know what to think because that just didn't make sense. For the rest of the day I couldn't separate myself from him. 

   In my dream Lay came and checked up on me. He made me shower and said he would watch the baby. I don't know what my relationship with Lay was, we could have been friends, family, or dating. I just don't know. He tried calming me down because I was still shook up. He then told me some news that I would never believe in a million years if it wasn't a dream. He said that beneath the sinkhole was a community.

   He said it was a network of bomb shelters linked to each other by hallways. I don't know how he figured it out but I believed him. He said people have been going missing everywhere and they are probably there. I began to feel hope that Tao still might be alive if he in fact did go through the sinkhole. Unfortunately I wasn't going to go there and get Tao out because I felt the responsibility of raising his son. That day was the last day I saw Little Tao in my dream.

   The next morning I was out in the yard with Lay. I jumped over the fence again and was checking out the sinkhole, my mind filled with worry and confusion. I suddenly got mad because life wasn't fair. That baby in the next house over might never see his father again because of mother nature. I got up, hopped back over the fence and started heading to my aunts house. Lay tried stopping me but I couldn't, I wanted to go be with Little Tao. He then pulled my hand back and showed me his phone.

   Okay this is where my dream starts to get really weird and does not make sense whatsoever.

   Lay's phone showed a text message saying that I had to go through the hole. What made it weird was that it was from Himchan- a member of B.A.P. I refused and Himchan said that something bad will happen to Little Tao if I didn't. I began to panic. I didn't know what was going on. I told Lay to take care of Little Tao and I told him that I would find a way out of this. Lay said he would, and I threw myself into the sinkhole.

   It took awhile but I was finally through and I fell quite a few feet and landed on a hard metal ground. In too much pain, all I could do was roll over. The room was incredibly large and reminded me of a small atrium. There was hallways leading out from the small atrium everywhere. I looked up, and out of all the people in the world, I saw G-Dragon. I just stared at him. He had a man on each side of him like a bodyguard. He welcomed me and told me that I was going to stay here from now on. I yelled at him saying no, I had a life and a family up there. They need me. He told me no.

   Since I was dirty he ordered the men to take me through the hallways and we ended up at a small opening with another hallway. There was a bar and it held multiple body care products- like soap, shampoo, and conditioner. I was ordered to pick the ones I like and to go through the hallway. Going through I ended up in a bathroom that had a shower, so reluctantly I got in. The water was hot and it relaxed my muscles even though I was still worried. After getting out I saw that G-Dragon was there watching me. I told him he had to leave because I had to pee. He told me no, saying that someone had to be with me wherever I go. I got mad because that is definitely wrong and I really needed to use the bathroom. But he just sat on a stool facing another direction while I used the toilet. 

   Afterwards, I got out and ran. I just ran. I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to be away from him. I stopped in an area that looked like another atrium that had multiple ridges and shelves on the walls, all made from rock/stone. There I saw him.

   On one of the ridges that stuck out from the wall was Tao. He was dressed in black and had his wushu stick. He looked pissed off. I don't know why but my anger was just too much. I began to yell at him. I yelled about not seeing him. I yelled about him being stupid and selfish enough to go near the hole. And then I yelled about how he had left his son behind and that I was going to raise him as my own before I was forced to come here. My dream ended with him taking one last look at me, then leaving.


So. Yeah.

Welcome to one of my crazy dreams.

No I didn't make any of that up. That's why I put it here because of how insane it was. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.

So I might make a story based off this........

But I'm still writing Externally Ethereal, and I have my next story planned after I finish that so I don't know. Do any of you have thoughts? 


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