Have you ever...

Have you ever like someone but you think he/she is too perfect for you and you find it's impossible to be with them so you just give up your hope and stop trying bcs you know that in the end he/she will end up with someone better than you? 

I'm not in this sort of situation but I'm just wondering :)


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I can relate 100%
Chenlover145 #3
EVERYDAY MAN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW!!!!! I'm very lucky because them Asians at my school are hot but I don't have a chance!!
I was, haha. He was perfect in my eyes and I just didn't feel like I was on the same standard. Well perfect until he broke my heart that is. Haha.
It does not make sens... if you like someone you've to fight for their attention.... I was in such situation and I'm with that boy since New Year :D I still could belive he likes me too, but it turns that he did. If you like someone it does not matter if you are perfect or not. It just feeling... that makes you happy for be with that person :) SO FIGHT!!! :)
Me me me me me! But I never stopped liking them! Sometimes, I still try to catch their attention, even though I know FOR SURE they'll never like me at all.