A Few 'Interesting' Facts about Myself to Readers.



My three pictures. I always have photos taken when I was at school (I'm a school photographer).

I'm the one on the right side of the picture in the second photo.

And the third photo, I'm not trying to promote McDonalds just that it was coincidentally taken when I was at McDonalds with my mom, sisters and a friend of mine.



558163t2s9fga603.gif My name is Humairah.

558163t2s9fga603.gif And it is pronounce as Who-My-Ruh (Yes, that's how I think you pronounce it in English)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I decided to use Keitaro Mai as my pen name because the internet said that 'Keitaro' means Blessed and 'Mai' means Dance. I'm not Japanese so I follow what the internet tells me.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm 154 centimeters in term of height and I weight 54kg now. 

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm not afraid to show my weight because I used to weight heavier than that. So yeah, I'm getting thinner :D



Another few facts about me that most people in real life don't know or may know about me.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I have a weakness for peanut butter and Nutella.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I recently craze on people that looks or act mysterious and self-centered because of Hisoka and Tae Hyun.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I want to be a variety star in Korean show but- (It will never happens)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I want to be an Anime Voice Actor or actor but I know that too, can never happens because I have too little basics in Japan even if my voice is suitable to be one.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I want to be an actor in my own country or becomes a director/producer and make one drama that differ from the dramas in television. (I live in Malaysia, so yeah.)

558163t2s9fga603.gif People says I look Korean/Japanese but no, I am pure Malaysian. I love Malaysia so what? (But I still want to go and study in Korea or Japan because of the culture and the male actors. Also, Nam Tae Hyun! *O*)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I don't look good in both photos and real life. The three pictures are only a few that I look quite good. So, if you ever meet me, don't put your expectation too high.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I am extremely shy when it comes to starting a conversation with a stranger. But once I am comfortable with people, I can be really really talkative and made you regret being my friends.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I am a fast learner but I am THAT lazy to study. And I know if I do study, I can get more than everyone else.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I have a slight dyslexic and a slight ADHD. I can't read long paragraph that consist more than 6 lines and will skip some words in the sentence because of my short attention span that I cannot control at all. I can force myself to read but then, I'll get bored in 3 minutes max. (That's why I always put space between my paragraph so it won't seems that paragraph looks too long)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I can't talk properly to people. Especially when I'm teaching. My mouth can never catch up with what my mind is thinking. If I'm supposed to read and say the sentence "I like eating fish" My mind will read it faster than my mouth could say and I end up saying "I fish". -,-' (it's annoying because I can't talk to people because of it D:)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I actually never finished my projects that I always wanted to do (publishing a story included) but I don't know why and how I could publish that one story I just published here. But probably, in the near future, I cannot finish it because my brain told me so.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I rarely get mad (kudos for me) but I can get extremely violent once I'm mad at someone. I used to take up Wudo but again, because of my ADHD, I got bored and lazy so I only had until yellow belt.

558163t2s9fga603.gif Been in a few relationships but I just realized that I at treating boys. Because I am boyish myself so I tend to treat guys badly. And I hate boys that like to sulk so much. -,-' It's annoying. 

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm actually a bit choosy when it comes to befriend someone. I don't know why. It just happens all the time. (Blame my brain for it) But I'm trying not to. Not that I only like to be friends with the cool kids or something (I'm a nerd myself) Just that if your personality doesn't fit mine, I won't be talking a lot to you unless you are interested in being a friend of mine.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I have a soft spot for animals. Not because they're cute and all. Just that I really care for them. 

558163t2s9fga603.gif I cry whenever people mentions stories about owners that felt at lost when their pets died or when movies involving animals that end up dying because they care about humans/owners. (Hachiko and Marley and Me) Dem feels made me cried a river.

558163t2s9fga603.gif Probably why I want to be a vet.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I am a gamer girl since I was 7. I don't mind getting beaten by guys in games. So please, don't be too soft on me. I like it more when guys treat me like a guy when it comes to gaming.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I love red. Because of my name. (Look at my profile and you know why)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I don't actually know if I like people's attentions or not. Sometimes I want to but then, I don't. I'm afraid of being in front of a group of people and sing/dance or talk but I want them to know me but I don't talk first to people. So yeah. I don't know what I actually want to do.

558163t2s9fga603.gif As I said before, I think like a guy and sometimes act like one. So, I do think dirty thoughts just that I don't like it when people (guys) cross the line I set up when it comes to dirty thinking.

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm a visual thinker. :D

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm optimistic. (But can sometimes be pessimistic)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I used to be childish and act kawaii sometimes but now, I'm more to doing aegyo. (There's a different even if both mean doing cute or cute)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I love flowers. (Can someone brings me to a flower meadow?)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I love wide spaces. Not because I'm klastrophobic (I don't know how to spell it) but because I feel free and not cramped in a small space.

558163t2s9fga603.gif My recent ideal namja is Nam Tae Hyun. (He's flawless I can barely look at his photos because I literally can't breathe XD)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I don't watch dramas but when I do, I'm addicted. Basically, I only have like less than 10 dramas I've watched in my entire 17 years living. 

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm currenty hooked with the anime Hunter x Hunter and basically the first anime I really really follow. I used to watch K-On but I never finish watching it. (My ADHD is always getting in my way)

558163t2s9fga603.gif I'm in an effort to make more friends, overseas or local. (Malaysia) So come here one and all, be my friend and join me on the dark side. I'll give you cookies if you do that. I promise~ :D










Huh?! So you decided to join me on the dark side? Hohohoho here's a cookie for you. 2238135tbo7zqa0bu.gif:3 


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tyn_can #1
Now I must say. These are not "few". If those are just few for you what it will be look like if you would tell more about you.

But anyhow, I had fun reading it all. :) I think I know you more. Credits to your blog post.