Ladies Code tragedy

Yes I know that I am hiatus right now but I had to talk about his topic.

If you have not already seen EunB from Ladies' Code has passed away today.

I, for myself cannot speak on behalf of Ladies Code. But I pray for Ladies' Code and EunB's family to find peace.

To be honest I do not know much about Ladies' Code and I did a few googles on them.

It is sad to know that EunB died on her friends birthday, to be more exact a member... Sojung's birthday.

Sadly Sojung and Rise were both involved in the accident and I pray for their recovery.

It is sad to know that EunB died at the age of 21 and still had a life to live.

Ladies' Code could have done great things with her, although it has only been a year so such since they debut.

When I saw the allkpop link and the word DEATH scared me. My heart hurt even though I didn't know the EunB personally, but the fact that she died so young hurt me.

After seeing that it made me think again. Life is short and no one knows when it will end, it can be tomorrow a few months from now or even in 50 years. No one knows.

I feel like EunB's death is a tragedy, and she could have lived on to have a family, but it made me think again...



Life is short live it to your fullest so that when you are older you will never regret a single moment of your youth.


I now want to try my hardest to be happy for me, not trying to make my parents happy for anything.

I am going to take every single day as if it was my last.

I want to achieve my true dream and let no one bring me down.

I just want to be happy.

~~Thanks for listening to my rambling




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CuTeLUVie #1
That's sad...
Its really sad that the member Rise couldn't survive.. They said that it even was a miracle that she was breathing. #RIPEUNB #RIPRISE
bangyuuki #2
That's really sad. Hope the other members will be okay, and rest in peace Eunbi <3