okay, so a few days ago, JTC posted this pic, hinting at a comeback in september

and then pics of Joon, Seungho and Mir with more hints

Joon's says 'Y!'

Seungho's drawing... no comment

Mir's says: "I die without you" and the drawings look like the girl is running away from the guy. Girl: goodbye. Guy: Don't go TToTT

The main teaser seems to indicate it will be a DARK concept, something I've waited waaay to long for them to do, since they would look AMAZING with dark eyeliner, leather, spiked up hair... *drools*... ehem, anyway, according to the tweet with Mir's picture

the comeback is now a solo???!!!!!!! I'm crossing my fingers for a Thunder solo (so so so biased) but I have a feeling it's Mir since he mentioned in the Daum Fancafe Chat that he was planning a solo

Oh, and according to this site, (I'm guessing it's a Korean music site, I just found the pic)

the comeback will be on september 30th, and if my Korean isn't so bad, at 23.59 aka 11:59pm. So JTC gets us excited for a Sept. comeback, which is at the end of the month, practically October, but still September because of that one minute, well played JTC, well played.

Whether it's a full album or a mini album, it's not known yet, but I'm dying already.

Anyway, I'm excited for this comeback since I expect it will be awesome and espectacular and just imagine them in leather and eyeliner and  Sanghyun and Seungho blond with their hair up wasrdcfvlnsa.... *ehem*

we better make them win everything this time because they deserve it... and I'm going into rant mode here, sorry. Anyways, anticipate the comeback, and keep supporting our boys.




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Iam waiting this too... >.<
OMFG CANNOT WAIT. Hoping this will revive some BLAQ feels from within me XD I've been all over BAP lately that my MBLAQ feels have been pushed a side!