
Uhhh, hi! It's nice to have you read this blog of mine again. It's always nice to have readers. Funny, eh? It's been a long time since I last wrote a blog... So I think that means I wasn't depressed for a long time then? That good... right? I mean, it's not like I have to write blogs everytime because I just and sleep all the time? I mean, all year 'round? 

So uhhh, yes! I'm half depressed, half not. Congratulations to me, this is the first time I am half depressed yet has the guts to stay half not. Guess why? Later I'll tell you. But first, I wanna congratulate everyone for living and breathing the same — poluted air as their idols... AKA the kpop fans who visited Korea this summer. Yep, not me. Most of my friends did. Anyway, I really am jealous of my friends who get to go to Korea and buy stuffs or visit some scheduled music programs. These past few months, I've been busy with dancing and of course, the forever forbidden work of mine, STUDYING. Notice how I haven't said a lot of time yet? Because that's how my boyfriend, yes, BOYFRIEND, changed me. Yippie! Congratulations to me! Achievement Unlocked: Having a boyfriend! We're happy, I guess. It's been a month, turning two this coming 27. 



— Yes, it's been a month, turning two this upcoming Monday. We're kind of having problems because I am such a dramaqueen. But at least, he knows what's up and what's down. He's rather a reserved guy, totally an opposite of mine. We've known each for three to four months now because I WAS his manager when I was handling a BAP Cover Group. Yep yep, I am still his manager but you know, that kind of manager-girlfriend since I'm handling an EXO CG whioch is he was in. He's taller than me. Pretty tan but his face is JJANG! He's not the manly face tho... pretty much cuter than my cat... at least for me? He's cute tho he's dark. He's a wannabe ulzzang... Like, willing to pay for injection and s. Currently having his tooth repaired (is that even the right term?). Moving on, he's a pretty quiet guy. Amazing and fun to be with. He sometimes piss me off but that's just me.. I really am a very sensitive woman. Anyway, I made the first move... maybe? I mean, the story was cute. We were like sleeping side by side and in the morning, I felt him touching my hand and s... Lol, haha, never failed to make me smile till now. We're legal. Hiswhole family knows what's up and I even sleeps beside him, on his bed, and hugs him and stuffs. He really is a sweet guy, sometimes he walks up to me and hugs me randomly. But I am the much sweeter version of him, LOL! Anyway, I love him and I think I am rocking his world <3 



- Hermes The Great hopes to blog more often this month and bring her fan fictions back to life. Help me juseyo T^T 


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