My LOE pics/videos

I'm lazy so here's the link to pics on tumblr lol:


Power dance break!


Cafe Talk!! I didn’t realize my talking would be so loud omg lol. We were all screaming so much and Himchan’s like “Shhhhh” and I’m like I’M SORRY!!!! LOL

Sorry it’s blurry. And please excuse my screaming (and horrible singing) but I’m sure you can understand XDDD

Lol wow Jae really knocked the hell outta Uppie didn’t he? XDD And notice the sweet HimUp moment!!! *squeals*

Whooo Jongup KILLED IT!!!

WOW WOW WOW!!! OMG I can’t even with how talented this boy is!

Another short video. I was internally debating if I should record or do the dance…………..dancing won lol (though I was bad at it).

I looooooooove this song!!!

Their English vocabulary has good so much bigger and they all sound so good! I feel so special to know that they took the time out of their busy schedule to learn for us. I just missed everybody’s happy birthday song to Himchan :( But it was so sweet!!

I recorded the end of a medley that included Hajima and Crash.

Lol Youngjae was so cute when he kinda stumbled over his words a bit. That’s why you hear my weird voice saying “Take your time baby” lol. And when Zelo said “We only have four songs left” Daehyun was like, “!” LMFAO I ALMOST DIED!! And so did Guk, and Uppie was looking at him like :O haha Dae I love you.

Angel <3 <3 <3

I was scared we weren’t gonna get to see them since he didn’t show em during his solo!! And um, you see Himchan? He’s alllll up on that!! Hehe yes Himchan we know, you love you some Uppie abs XD

Last performance of the night and it was AMAZING. that by then I had finally learned how to focus my camera for a clearer picture lol. But I was on point with my whistle wasn’t I? XD


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I was there too....but most of all i love the body and soul ing on the floor (i am glad that you got that video cause i put my camera down before it dies and they did that god i screamed like a little girl)
This looks so amazing, they're truly outstanding performers, and the effort they've made with their English is very touching. They'll be here in Sydney in less than 3 weeks and I seriously can't wait >.<