TFT's: Nerds

If you know Nick Santino (bless you) and you follow him on twitter and you stay on twitter for like your whole 24hours, you've seen his tweet talking about 'live tweeting' and 'nerd' and his advice to get a life. (I love that dude srsly). But yeah, that tweet was like days ago but lI just want to talk about it now since it gotten into me.

nerd. noun.

a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.

credit goes to mofo google. my sarang is send to you

So yeah, foolish or contemptible (check). I don't know if my actions or my daily activites (e..g., spazzing kpop guys who have no idea that a certain kid like me dreams about marrying one of them, wwould be reagarded as foolish or contemptible (Oh yes) So, am I a nerd? Not yet. not yet.

'lacks social skills' (check). It has been eons (more like 6 months or something) since I last interacted with humans. Not that I don't count my housemates as human beings but my social skills are as existent as the money on my wallet- in which case I also don't have (wallet). I had a lot of friends in high school and it was fine fo me that they remain as 'friends' but some of them I regard as 'acquintances' and I don't pay much attention to them.(sorry) and I got a lot of sns just to have my 'acquintances' to be added today and be unfriended the next day. (huzzaaah) Social skills, I'd rather be a potato than talk to humans with weird topics I could say that might weird them out and think of me as a *cough* nerd. So, am I nerd now? Not quie my friend not quite.

'boringly studious' (half check, half meh). To begin with, I really, really , really like science. I might puke rainbows just by looking at the word science. Plus, I'm planning to take up biology as a major and/or psychologyso that's just it.I am constantly in a love-hate relationship with math because of statistics and algebra and calc (precalc gives me the feels because if it's a person, I would give him good-raised potatoes) I also love world history, that mAlexander the Great and Julius Ceasar who was killed by Brutus (that Mofo) I love studying but sometimes I just want to lie down on my bed and forget about the world just to regret what I didn't do that day (e.g., homeworks) so am I a nerd? HECK YEAH!

To my co-nerds, did you know that 'nerdfighters' is a word founded by the Green Brothers (The GREAT JOHN GREEN THAT WROTE PAPERTOWNS AND TFIOS AND AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES AND COLLAB WRITTEN WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON, LET IT SNOW, AND MOFO LOOKING FOR ALASKA AND HIS BROTHER, HANK GREEN, ONE HECK OF A BROTHER BY THE WAY ) They called themselves nerdfighters and they founded the land of nerdfighteria or so I think but yeah, I seriously think I belong to the nerdfighters. DFTBA BROTHARS. If you want to cathc up with whatI'm saying (shizzles) go to youtube and search for john green and hank green's channel called the 'vlogbrothers' they are offering crash courses and and they talk about lots and lots of nerdy stuff! Plus John G will recommend you books that migh help your poor excuse of a brain (harsh) but yeah. IT IS AWESOME.

Whatever nerd. nerd nerd.

Nerd is the new awesome bij

with lots of hypothetical potatoes to throw on your face and lots of love for stuff that dont matter to the world of makeup and flirtatiousness and lipsticks and bla bla bla bla


P.S. DFTBA! My annyeong to you~


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