I am a Singaporean and that means I speak both Chinese and English. Unfortunately, my Chinese standard has never been good enough for me to express my feelings freely in that language. I've always dreamed of writing fanfiction both in English and in Chinese but I've never dared to write anything with that Chinese standard of mine. T________________________________________T 


Until today.


It was supposed to be an update on The Phone Call but somehow, I just couldn't express my feelings in the English language today. :( I then thought to myself, aish, since I can't write it in English, why not write it in Chinese? >< As I typed, the few sentences started linking to each other and soon, a drabble was created right before my eyes.


I'm still nervous about it but I understand that I will NEVER improve if I don't put it out there to get flamed. :( But please, be gentle with me. This is really my FIRST fic in Chinese. ;(


So without further ado, here goes my super lousy Chinese standard writing:


“但愿时间能停留在过去的回忆里 ,因为我还没有失去你的勇气。”






“在想些什么呢?” 允浩好奇问道,“想到那么入神。叫你三次了都没反应!”






“没什么啦!” 在中笑着回应道,“我只是想起过去的事情罢了!”



“你想想,我们现在不是很快乐吗?” 他继续说着。“为此,难道你不感到很幸运吗?别人想要我们这么幸福恐怕还没那么容易呢。”






“什么怪东西啊!” 在中不满抱怨道,“人家可是很认真,很严肃地在跟你交换心头,你在那边胡扯什么!”









“喂!你怎么了?吓傻啦?” 允浩温柔地骂道。






“没什么。” 他眯着眼睛笑道,”只是很感激上帝让我遇见我人生中最幸福的幸运:你。”






“幸福或许就是那么容易争取的吧!” 在中感叹道,“不管之前所承受过的伤害,不理过去所持有的遗憾,只要继续往人生的道路前进,迟早有一天一定会遇上专属于自己的幸福,而就在相遇的那一分秒钟,这偶然的相遇会被称为最幸福的幸运。"





So, how did you find it? ><


Please tell me if it's still horrible. I'll stop if that's the case. :((


P.S. I might/might not translate this fic into English, seeing as this is just a drabble with not much plot in it.


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Waaaah if only i can understand chinesse, but with you im sure its just as great as your other fics, all the best, just post it hehehe ^-^