The Game of Chance || A Sooyoung-HET One Shot Writing Contest

It's simple really.

All you have to do is write a one shot story featuring one of the many Sooyoung-HET pairings.

You have free reign over most aspects of your story.

But there's a catch.

You have free reign over your plot, genre, word count and the pairing to use.

But there are two things that you have to leave to chance.

The title of your fanfic

and a wild card

Think you're up for the challenge?

Want to win prizes?

Are you ready to play the game?

When you are, head over here to join the contest.



Hey, guys! This is the writing contest I was telling you about in my prior blog entry. You don't have to be a Soo-HET shipper to join! All you need is to be willing to write a Soo-HET oneshot! :D If you do decide to join, please read the rules, regulations and mechanics found in the contest page properly!


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