◜❀ violet stars◞wang, jooae

바이올렛 스타 ❀ Violet Stars


(The image won't show up, so I had to hyperlink it. Sorry!)


wang, jooae

Hello, my name is kestrel

❀ Overview

character name: Wang, jooae (Sophie Smith)
nickname(s): Jo, joey, soph, S.S., King Chewy (HEr last name means King in Chinese, and she always thought that her Korean name sounded a bit like Chewy.)
international age: 20

birthday: December 29th, 1993
birthplace: Chuncheon, south korea, grew up in Pittsburgh, pennsylvania
ethnicity: korean
languages: basic japanese, conversational korean, fluent english

❀ Outside

ulzzang: kim Seukhye
backup ulzzang: park sora
appearance: http://bongjashop.kr/index.php?mid=board_pglb88&page=2&document_srl=1150 http://bongjashop.kr/index.php?mid=board_cWZQ10&page=2&document_srl=1773 http://bongjashop.kr/index.php?mid=board_cWZQ10&page=2&document_srl=1752

height: 158cm
weight: 52kg

style: Jooae is a very touch oriented person, so if a fabric bugs her even in the most minute way, she won't wear it. As such, she's a fan of soft, loose sweaters and flannel shirts. Also, she's more likely to wear thin sports bras rather than underwire, since the wire feels funny to her. She likes muted colors like maroon or pastels, with seafoam green being a personal favorite. Jooae injured her foot when she was younger while trying to make a pyramid with her friends which popped out several of her toes in her left foot, and it aches when she wears heels or too tight shoes, so she tends to favor sandals or flip flops, even in cold weather. she loves lipstick, especiallly hot pink, orange, red, and dark purple, and finds every excuse to wear ridiculously bright shades even during practices.

extra: Has riduculously thick hair, which she recently dyed ombre. She likes putting it in french braids before bed so that it's wavy in the morning. has a small birthmark in the shape of australia on her right hip. She also likes to tie strips of fabric around her wrists as bracelets. Has a decent amount of muscle because her older brother forced her to become his lifting partner. When possible, she likes to go barefoot.

❀ Inside

character traits: stubborn, open minded, serendipitous, laid back, protective, insecure

personality: Jooae is notoriously stubborn when it comes to her beliefs and morals, which sometimes causes mild arguments between her and her friends. However, it's tempered by her desire to always be open minded and willing to hear other's perspectives, as well as a hunger to learn as much about these varying worldviews as possible. Her home life was rather slow and predictable, and so she's always in search of an adventure, often times wandering off on her own to muse on her thoughts and emotions. from these travels, she's learned to take things as they come, and that fussing over the little things will only distract you from the real problems approaching. growing up surrounded by small children, she's also very motherly and protective of those she cares about, though not always in the most obvious ways and she prides herself on the ability to protect the ones she loves. She experienced a lot of bullying in school, and struggled with depression for several years, and she's still insecure because of it. she sometimes feels that she's too Americanized to be at home in Korea and at the same time too interested in her heritage to be content in America.

Much of her personality is derived from her adoptive mother, who as a paraprofessional works with a large variety of children suffering from disabilities. As such, she taught Jooae to be kind and understanding of people, as they could be struggling in ways she could never understand. She's somewhat of an introvert, and requires time to herself to recharge after dealing with people for a long period of time. To do this, she likes to read or draw, or take walks if she has the time. She'll read anything she can get her hands on, from cookbooks to epic poetry, but her favorites tend to be books aimed towards children like The Little Prince or The Phantom Tollbooth. Her art style is inspired mostly by Studio Ghibli, as well as post-impressionism and art nouveau. She also is very touch oriented, and communicates a lot of her feelings through her actions and gestures rather than words. She has a responsive personality, and bases how she acts on the other person's moods and actions, largely due to her mother's influences and her own dislike of confrontation. She is very aware of when people are uncomfortable or feeling excluded, and works hard to put them at ease.

She used to dream of becoming an artist like van gogh and starting an artist's society somewhere in Dublin, because she thought both were weirdly, tragically beautiful, and if she's being perfectly honest, a small part of her still hopes to fulfill it one day. She likes to walk outside when it's raining because One of the most defining memories from her childhood is watching thunderstorms in the garage with her mother, because it was the closest she'd ever felt to her, and her hope is that the person she marries will watch the storms with her too. Her motto is the "most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." - Elizabeth kübler ross

likes: ( 5+ things she likes )

1 the feeling of paint drying on a canvas

2 rain puddles

 3 the smell of campfires

4 learning about different cultures and people

5 listening to the people she loves

- Doting on her younger brother, Ben

- thunderstorms and snow (she's a December baby)

- Alice in Wonderland (the Cheshire Cat in particular)

- Primanti's sandwiches (she really misses them)

- choosing clothes for and dressing up her friends

- Charcoal and pastels

- martial arts

- rice noodles with fried eggs

- reading and writing poetry

dislikes: ( 5+ things she dislikes )

1 tight shoes and weird fabrics (i.e. velvet, tulle)

2 mosquito ringtones

3 people who invade her personal space

4 getting catcalled

5 being put on the spot

- not being able to shower, or when her hair is greasy

- humidity

- people looking at her sketchbooks when she's in the middle of a project

- wearing wet clothes when it's dry. IF she's in the rain it doesn't bother her.

- complicated technology (she's mildly technologically impaired)

habits & hobbies: ( 5+ )

1 humming folk songs or lullabies when she's nervous because of comforting of little kids for so long (Mo Li Hua, Oh Danny Boy, and You Are My Sunshine in particular)

2 sketching when she's bored

3 playing with her fabric bracelets (she chooses fabrics that comfort her, often times from her favorite shirts that are falling to pieces)

4 Singing in the shower

5 singing songs when she hears words that remind her of them

- carrying a little sketchbook around, and doodling in it with accompanying poems

- drawing portraits of people she meets to test her memory

- braiding her hair when she has nothing to do with her hands

- Writing letters to her mother. Talking on the phone and texting are too expensive in her opinion and emails seem too insincere to her.


1 took karate for nine years and has a black belt with two stripes

2 has a weakness for lipstick

3 was planning on studying art/ art history before she auditioned, and so has a crap ton of useless knowledge pertaining to dead, artsy people

- is slightly leery of large bodies of water (i.e. pools, the ocean) since she almost drowned when she was eleven

- Is able to talk like Donald duck

- learned how to dance by playing Just Dance

- talks with a slight Pittsburghese accent (some of her vowels are transformed into long a's), and sometimes uses slang (I.e. red up the house, crick, Mahn)

- if she doesn't know someone's name, she nicknames them by their most most noticable feature (Chen is Bones for his cheekbones)

- Her favorite medium is charcoal because she likes how it feels, as well as how versatile and giving it is, and she's always asking the other members to sit for portraits

- has lots of callouses on her feet from walking barefoot so much

❀ Biography

background:  Jooae was adopted when she was five months old and grew up in a good home in the suburbs of Pittsburgh with her mom, dad, and two brothers (also adopted from Korea, as her mother was unable to concieve). Her street was very friendly and open (she addressed all the adults by their first names, and still has a little trouble with the formality that Koreans are accoustomed to), and had lots of young children who Jooae babysat. She was an extremely active child, with a curious mind and imagination, and was generally allowed to do what she pleased, within reason. however She began to put up a shell, largely mellowling out upon entering middle school due to large amounts of teasing from her classmates, which continued into high school. She struggled with depression and extremely low self-esteem during this period. However, Jooae was able to find a small, close knit group of friends who supported and encouraged her. She gradually became more and more interested in her heritage, largely due to the teasing, as she wanted to learn what it meant to be a Korean American, rather than the vague label of "Asian" given to her by her classmates. When she was in tenth grade, she discovered k-pop for the first time, and was immediately entranced and intrigued by the culture, having had little to no experience with it beforehand. She auditioned online after loosing a bet with her best friend jennifer, but was initially rejected by several companies. She began to improve and perfect her techniques in singing and dancing, and just before her junior year was accepted by SM entertainment as a trainee. 

family: ( any important members of your character's family should be listed here. add as many bullets as you need. )

 smith, janice | 50 | adoptive mother | paraprofessional | strong, understanding, supportive, wise | 5

 smith, stephan | 50 | adoptive father | chemical engineer | hardworking, funny, family-oriented, tough | 3

- Smith, benjamin | 14 | Adoptive brother | student | intelligent, kind, energetic, personable | 5

- smith, brian | 22 | adoptive brother | student (majoring in chemistry) | athletic, ambitious, extremely smart, teddy bearish | 4

❀ Idol

stage name: jo
stage persona: the Soft Sweetheart
soundalike: macy kate

singing: 8
rapping: 4

dancing: 5

stage personality: She's rather quiet on stage, preferring to let the other members do the talking, but will stand for hours taking selcas with fans or signing things for them. She's a little bit silly however, and will pull faces at the cameras when she's bored. She tries very hard to be approachable. She's also notoriously clumsy.

trainee history: Jooae auditioned online throughout her sophomore year of high school, and was accepted the summer before her junior year. She was a trainee for 5 years, focusing mainly on her singing, as she'd never had any formal training, and her dancing. Jooae had intially had difficultly making friends in the trainee program due to her abysmal Korean, but forced herself to pick up on the language fairly quickly due to this. As she had a naturally inoffensive personality, she was able to bond with people easily after breaching the language barrier. However, the intensity of the program nearly convinced her to return to the states to pursue her art related dreams instead, but due to her stubborness, felt that she couldn't quit after committing so much of herself to the process. Once placing in violet stars, however, she began to doubt her convictions, and started to feel guilty at her lack of will. Jooae eventually resolved to commit herself to the group, not wanting to bring the others down, despite her heart lying in another field. 

idol friends: Lee Jinki | SHINee | clumsy, sweet, caring, brotherly | 4 | The two met through a case of Onew Sangtae. Jinki tripped on nothing and crashed into Jooae while she was sketching, and she made him sit for a portrait as an apology since she thought he had a kind smile. The two like to eat together on occasion, and he gives her advice and encouragement, and she treats his wounds from fallling.

Huang Zitao | EXO | kind, warm-hearted, insecure, tenacious | 5 | Jooae happened to witness some trainees bullying Zitao and stepped in to defend him. She stayed with him afterwards and just listened to him talk. The two eventually became good friends after bonding over their shared experiences with bullying, and are able to talk to each other about almost anything. They spar together on occasion and like to compare their styles of fighting (jooae's is similar to Toph from ATLA).


❀ Love

love interest: Kim Jong-Dae
backup: Huang Zitao

personality: Jong-dae is a kind-hearted person, and one of the best singers in EXO, but is oftentimes overlooked. During interviews he is very polite and considerate, with a good sense of humour. Off-stage, he is a well-known prankster, and much more hyper. However, he is always kind and cheerful, with a genuine desire to improve his already considerable talents. He also cares very much about his group members, and rushes to their aid when they are injured. And, like Jooae, he has stubborn streak a mile wide.

backstory: Jooae met Jong-dae briefly during her trainee days, through a chance encounter. She was rushing to get to a lesson, and tripped on her shoelace. He helped her up, and she thought he had nice hands, before running off again. They recognized each other later when Violet Stars and EXO began preparing for their collaboration, but didn't talk too much since Ztiao and Jooae stuck together for the most part. Jong-dae began to develop a crush on her after witnessing the silent, sutble ways she cared for her bandmates. Once Zitao learned of this, he began to try to push to the two together more and more which confused Jooae, who thought that Zitao was trying to push her off to somebody else. She voiced her concerns and Zitao eventually confessed to his reasoning, taking Jooae by surprise. She agreed to get to know Jong-dae, and began to reciprocate his feelings at a speed which scared her. As such, she began to try to limit their time together, leading to a sort of standoff with Jong-dae trying and failing to get her to admit her feelings.

relationship status: The two are just friends, largely due to Jooae. Jooae is very cautious when it comes to relationships, and even though she truly likes Jong-dae, she's unwilling to admit to it. They heads sometimes because of their stubbornness. Jooae likes to mother Jong-dae, but he doesn't mind all that much. He's always attempting devise ways to get Jooae to confess to liking him, and she's always attempting to convince him and secretly herself that the two are better off as friends.

❀ Finale

scene suggestions: Maybe a scene between Jooae and her mother where her mom confesses to being scared of Jooae wanting to find her "real" mother (her birthmother) and jooae reassuring her that she is her real mother. Or one where the members appear on a variety show that takes them to a really traditional place and Jooae experiencing culture shock? One of jong-dae pranking her by pushing her into a pool and her freaking out xP I don't know. I'm really bad at this.

comments: sorry that this turned out so long, I just wanted to really flesh out this character, because I actually really like her. I'm super pumped for the story, and thanks for reading :)



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