Calling all MELODYs!!!

I'm in need of a co-author, reason why I called this fandom? Because it's about BToB. I need 2 or 1 co-author.. I've got the plot, characters, title, not so sure of it fits.. Setting, , event, etc. So, please please tell me if you're interested! First come first serve! Comment only, please!!


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ME I would love to help!!
Would like to help.. XD
pikachu97 #3
I'm interested but I'd like to see what it's about and such :)
I'd be more than happy to help you! I am a littke new to the fandom but I know enough at least. I'm on most of the time so that isn't a problem. ^^
Hope you consider my help~
somehow I am interested but I dont know much about bap