review rubric

for a review shop i'll be working in now

Title: [-/5]

I'm not too picky about this one, mostly because I know that titles can be a pain sometimes. I'll mainly be looking to see if it's acceptable, and not ridiculous like a sentence for your title (ex. "I Fell In Love With My ____") and to see if it has proper capitalization/grammar for the most part (for example, titles shouldn't have a period in them; however, I will accept titles that are all in lowercase, because I understand that's a style preference).

Presentation/Description/Foreword: [-/10]
To put it simply, if your foreword doesn't catch my attention, you're going to get marked off points. I belief the foreword is one of the most important parts of a fic, because it draws a reader in and gives a sample of what you're capable of writing. The foreword should also hint to us what the story is about, as well as any background information. I'll mainly be looking to see if your foreword is attention-grabbing and grammatically sound. Also, I can give tips on how to change your foreword to make it more appealing.

Grammar: [-/10]
This is pretty self-explanatory. I'll be checking for repetitive mistakes in grammar, and I will teach you very briefly on how to correct your mistakes so they don't happen anymore. For example, many people have problem writing dialogue correctly, and I can help show you the correct format for dialogue. In short, for grammar, I will be pointing out your mistakes and giving tips on how to avoid them. Also, I am more lenient to those who are not fluent in English (although I will suggest a beta for anyone and everyone, regardless of fluency).

Plot: [-/20]
I'll be looking for how you develop your plot (is it too fast? is it too slow?), how realistic your plot is (the exceptions are crack and troll fics, and parodies), if there's a clear conflict, and so on.

Characterization: [-/15]
For characterization, I'm mostly looking for the same things I look for in plot. How do your characters develop throughout the story? How are the characters portrayed? Are they realistic? Are they thorough throughout? Etc.

Flow: [-/10]
This is related to the development of the plot. Is the plot moving too quickly? Are things too choppy? Is the plot too slow? Are the scene changes appropriate? Is anything too sudden? And so on.

Style: [-/20]
This is undoubtedly the hardest part to grade, because everyone's style is different and who am I to say yours is bad? Therefore, I'll mostly be looking to see if how you write matches the tone of your fic. For example, an angsty fic should have a more somber tone, while a humorous fic should be written more light-heartedly. I'll also be looking to see how you manage descriptions, your word choice, and so on.

Originality/Overall Enjoyment: [-/10]
Personally, I am not going to mark you down for originality, because I understand that almost everything these days can be cliched. However, I will be looking to see how you executed your cliche (if that's the case for your fic) to look for originality in any points. Most of the points for this will most likely come from my overall enjoyment, which will be largely based on characterization, plot, and style more so than anything else.


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