Find the Plagiarized Fic- Mine Vs Theirs

Here's a fun new game! I'll give you two fics and you need to tell me which is mine. This will probably only work if you know my personality or have read Why People Hate Your Story.  Don't cheat now! Only check your answer after taking the test!

The fic on the left is fic A and the fic on the right is fic B: which is mine?


Yeah, I screen capped the fics. 


The plagiarism was more than the word for word copying with some slight variation, it was the presentation of the chapter. It was like my first couple of chapters all grouped together. I talked about titles and gave examples in color, they talked about titles and gave examples in color. I'd bold specific things, they'd bold the same things. I'd make clever analogies, they'd make clever analogies. I'd use sarcasm, they'd use sarcasm. In fact, their sarcasm was bordering on the sarcasm I used in my original blogs. The part where they talk about "HIT THE ENTER KEY," I did a double take. 


Guys, I am perfectly fine with people doing their own rants about AFF. Since I've started doing this a million others have popped up, but some of them actually offer useful advice. Some take on the same points as me then go a step further and talk about grammar and writing styles. They're not plagiarizing me for having the same points. I didn't screen cap the part where this person talked about changing the font color (while they probably did copy me) because EVERYBODY hates that. When I do eventually get into all the metaphors and themes that stories should be drowned in, I hope people don't think I'm copying others. 

All the complaints and advice are here, on AFF, with significantly more people seeing it, why would anyone copy it and do it over? When I found it, I realized it had been created just the day before I had updated mine for a previous chapter. For about two months, if one were to look for rant fics by the most recently updated, they were right next to each other. I understand plagiarizing a story -change the characters and the universe and maybe some great plot can cross fandoms- but they are literally about the exact same thing. It's so ridiculous. 

I'm sure other people were copied too -not that I would know because I really don't read other advice fics- but I know they copied a lot of my stuff. Who talks about the number of characters seen in the description? Who gets angry about tags? Who makes business analogies? I am the only one who does that! 


The most ironic part of all of this. The name of the rants is what my username for my old rants on winglin used to be.Why Your Story and my username was yurstorysucks (read as your story or why your story , the latter being how it was intended). So hi, if anyone knows about those rants. That was me, that was my alias.


And, okay, most of those screen caps don't make much sense without the rest of the sentences, and a lot of the plagiarism doesn't show either, but I think I get the point across.

I'm not really going to do anything about it. One, I think the person who copied it just made a random account and will never come back. And two, it's not actually getting much attention and they haven't continued yet. I disallowed text selection (I really never thought I'd need to because surely people would ask for permission if they were going to copy things) and I am definitely not going to allow any future attempts to go by without my foot going up someone's .





So which am I? A or B? Perfect time for a poll!


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sockman #1
I guess I'm in the minority going with A. I thought it was more straightfoward.
XxBlackBeat #2
This is... sad :((
To think they don't have enough originality and creativity to think on their own and just copy your story?
Now... that's just sad okay. ;A;
Isn't plagiarism against the terms and conditions of AFF???
Did you report them yet???
TheTimeChaser #3
I wonder if it's possible to report them. I hope they get warnings from mods.
It's funny how they made a rant story but they are the ones commiting the worst thing they could do on this site. Plagiarizing.
bubblybubble #4
forgive me if i'm wrong. but b maybe?

(i think.)