It's not 'cool' to be mean.

Seriously though, but when has it been a trend to be mean?

I know some people can have that bluntness and sarcastic traits to their personality (and I'm not saying anything wrong with that) but some people just seems to beg it. They put up a 'mean' act in order to look cool.

I'm not talking about in real life but more based on the Internet.

If someone asks you a simple questions you don't have to suddenly run and snap at them. If they did not do anything to you then don't do that. 

Why do you put others down in order to make yourself feel superior? And thing is, these people are obvious bullies. That's right, I think they're bullies. It may sound immature and 'butthurt' but it's just the way I feel. 

People need to learn that when people get upset about something you've said it does not automatically make them a 'butthurt' fangirl simply because this is a fanfiction site. For example, if I were to speak up about something someone said that bothered me [maybe because I disagreed with what someone said on a writing tips story or something like that] I would get branded as a delusional fangirl that needs a splash of cold water to the face (I haven't done this or had it done to me btw, just speaking hypothetically).

Some people are just more sensitive than others and tbh what i think is worse than a delusional fan is delusional hater.


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kt5726 #1
I agree with you so much on this T_T