

⋇  nala 



♔  shadows fall on yesterday

AFF Username: Here~

Alias: Mandy


♔  i'm the moth and you're the light

Name: Nala

Nicknames: Lala || She's called this by her close friends and family. It was a pet name given to her by her parents and simply caught on. As she's gotten older, she tends to dislike when someone calls her this, especially in public. 

Age: 21


♔  use these wings so i can fly

Personality: [insert descriptive personality here including the traits "Brave. Loving. Faithful. Humble. Respectful. Hard-working. " and building off them]


  • Being outisde and in the sun
  • Laughing
  • Being with her loved ones
  • The color green
  • Holiday time
  • Music and the violin
  • Fruit
  • Bright colors
  • Peppermint
  • The sea


  • Gnats
  • Cruelty
  • Being taken advantage of
  • Ladies always needing help
  • Cleaning
  • Cooking
  • The smell of bleach
  • Her dreams
  • The cold and snow
  • Sad romance stories



  • She always wears a ring around her neck--a ring given to her by Jinyoung before he ran away.
  • She hums and sings under her breath while she does her chores.
  • If she doesn't have shoes on, she cannot have socks on. She hates socks.
  • Whenever she finds something funny she has to laugh--she can't hold in a laugh. 
  • She has to have coffee in the morning or she gets grumpy.


  • She often cracks her knucles when she's frustrated. 
  • When she's nervous she scratches herself despite not really being itchy. 
  • She can absolutely not maintain eye-contact when she's lying. 
  • She's very restless and she fidgets constantly when she has to be still.
  • She tends to stare into space while she's thinking.


  • Painting ; She learned how to paint when she was five years old. She took a few painting classes with Jinyoung (as he was ordered to as part of his training to prepare him to be a sophisticated high Lord) and it was in the classes she fell in love with painting. She enjoys painting everything but finds her strong suits to be in portrait painting and painting live animals.
  • Reading ; She loves reading. She's always carrying a book with her, even when she's doing her chores she has a book tucked away in her skirts. She loves reading fiction and non-fiction alike, but she's very partial to mystery and advenure novels. 
  • Daydreaming ; She'll often daydream while she's cleaning so she'll sometimes be clumsy while she's cleaning or end up taking twice as long as she should. She frequently gets in trouble with her daydreaming, espeically with her mother.
  • Sewing ; She was taught sewing by her mother's best friend who works as a seamstress for the family. When she was young she would eagerly try and help her mentor repair various garments. Now, she only does her sewing for herself.
  • Stargazing/Astronomey; Her and Jinyoung would always sneak out to look at the stars on a nearby grassy hill. Even when Jinyoung was gone she continued to sneak out of the mansion to look at the stars. She even  managed to snag a book of astronomey from the house library and taught herself.


  • She's magnificantly patient and is a great teacher in this regard. 
  • Her loyalty towards others. She will do anything for those who have her loyalty.
  • Portrait painting--she's often solicited to paint portraits by her masters.


  • It's hard for her not to help others and she tends to let too many people take advantage of her.
  • She's actually terrible at cleaning and often gets reprimanded for it, especially by her new masters.
  • She's horrible at dancing. Jinyoung always when they where younger because she would often dance around the house while perfmorning her easy cleaning duties.

Pet Peeves: 

  • When people critisise her sewing skills--especially those that don't sew themselves. 
  • People who don't take responsibility for their own actions.
  • The extreme waste and excess of her new "master," Jinyoung's uncle.
  • When the maids and servants of the house and other houses gossip.
  • People who talk exessively and rarely listen.

Aspirations:  As much as "Nala" hates it, she knows she will never be able to be anything more than a servant, especially since her beloved prince is gone. She amounts to being a head servant and gain the trust of the household, being able to come and go as she pleases. At least, she hoped to do this until Uncle began showing his true colors and now she hopes just to keep her honor.


  • She has a terrible fear of being alone and stripped of those she loves.
  • She has a fear of losing her best friend, which unfortunately has happened.
  • She has a fear of spiders and cockroaches. 


♔  like the brightest star, you shine through


 [insert picture {or link to a picture/s} that you think represents your character. No ulzzangs.]

  • Hair color is [insert hair color].
  • Eye color is [insert eye color].
  • Skin color is [insert skin color].
  • Body type is [insert body type].
  • Height is [insert height].
  • Weight is [insert weight]. {If you tell me your character's weight, please be realistic. I don't want underweight girls. Now, that's one of my biggest pet peeves.}
  • She usually wears her hair [insert hair style].



Nala usually wears maid/servant outfits as she's usually doing her job.  She alternates between three maid uniforms. One outfit looks like this and another like this and the last like this. She wears stockings with all her uniforms and comfortable black flats. She isn't one for jewerly or headpieces. When she's not in her uniforms she wears comfortable clothing. She wears simple dresses like this and this


Nala has freckles and moles like everyone else, but other than these markings she has no distrigishible marks. She has no tattoos as they are prohibited by the house she serves. The only jewerly she wears is the ring around her neck described in the "Habits" section. She usually wears her hair up in a ponytail or bun while she's working then keeps her hair down when she's not working. She hates confining and painful heels and wouldn't be caught dead wearing them.


♔  and as the sunlight burns the sky

Storyline:  Nala || the Lion King

Why?:  [Insert explaination if wanted. This is all personal.]

Background: {What's happened in your past? Any signifcant events you want to talk about?}

Family: {Fill in the given characters and no more family characters can be added.}

                Mother|| name || 51 || personality || character-character relationship || Extras

                Father || name || 54 || personality || character-character relationship || Extras

                Brother || name || 17 || personality || character-character relationship || Extras

Friends: {Can be Idol friends as well as non-Idol friends. No more than three. Please use the same format as above.}

Familiar: {Your famailiar for your character has already been given, but tell me about it. What kind of cat is it? How does he or she act? How does he or she act around you? How did you acquire your familiar?}


♔  you make me feel so alive

Love interest:  Jinyoung Jung || B1A4

Age:  21 (a few months older than "Nala")

Personality: {How does he act? Have at least three sentences. This is not necessarily how I will have your love interest act. Again, use your top love interest.}

How do you act with one another?: {How does your character and her love interest act around one another.}

Scenes:  --


♔  i've got purpose once again

Comments?:  --

Suggestions?:  --


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