I am Poem


So... I made a poem in class today LOL. It's our homework lol xD I don't know why we're doing poetry in Freshman Experience though -___- I'm doing the same homework in science too lol.

Anyways... here goes this embarrassing poem I begged my teacher not to share with anyone lol xD I made two, one for Freshie class and one for science.


I am

I am quiet and curious

I wonder how the rest of the world feels

I hear you talk

I see you smile

I want to know if that's the real you

I am quiet and curious


I pretend to see the truth

I feel like you're putting on a facade

I touch my cheek. Tears?


I worry that you're not fine

I say you don't need to fake it

I dream of the real you

I try to make it real

I hope it becomes real

I am quiet and curious


I am # 2

I am happy and relaxed

I wonder if that's how you feel

I hear birds sing

I see the blue canvas above my head

I want to stay like this forever

I pretend I can fly

I feel like I have left reality

I touch the soft cotton in the sky


I worry I might leave

I cry because I might

I am happy and relaxed


I understand this isn't real

I say this should be real

I dream of becoming part of this world

I try to be part of it

I hope to stay forever

I am happy and relaxed



LOL. xD I know they're both practically the same but I had to fill out parts of it so that's why it all starts with I and understands and dreams and so on.

My friend read it and she said she got depressed just reading it LOL xD


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cheer up! they're better than me!
they sound like lyrics to a song :D