Keep Warm

Just dropping by to say keep warm if you're in Toronto~ There's an extreme cold warning for tomorrow. Temperature's going to be around -25 degrees celsius and with the wind chill, it's going to feel like -35 to -40 degrees celsius. T____T Honestly don't want to work tomorrow ><


So bundle up, keep warm, and stay indoors!!! 


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Babysmurfette #1
Looking forward to more stories from you 🤗
neonflowers #2
i just hate the fact that i have a 6.30-9.30 class this term????? it's gonna be cold as balls i regret taking it already

and honestly what the weather actually feels like is always about 10 degrees lower than it actually is urgh
I have school tomorrow and I'm gonna dread it SO MUCh. I'm going to resort to wearing five hundred layers and waddle around like a deranged penguin at this rate... LOL.

Stay warm too!! ^_^