Suicide is Not the Answer! Never stop Fighting!


I'm going to be talking about depression and suicide, so a trigger warning is in place.


Over the past few days as I watch the world mourning the passing of our beloved Jonghyun, there are a lot of things I've been seeing that concern me.

One thing is the attitude around his untimely passing that because he was depressed and suicidal that nothing could have been done once he made up his mind to die. I've seen a lot of comments saying this, and that is a very dangerous line of thinking. It's not correct and sets up a president that could lead to more tragedies. 

There is always something that can be done to save someone, even if it seems like they've made up their mind. A lot of time these feelings and decisions are made in moments of great pain, but if given time, they pass. A person may decided to end their life over a long period of time, or just in a small moment of great pain. But, not matter the process going into it, Something can always be done. Never think that just because you or someone else is suicidal, or has had those thoughts, that it's a done deal. It's not true! You can always get help! ALWAYS! I've been there, on the brink of suicide, and I know how hard it is to cope with that type of feeling. It's hard, but with the right type of interventions, it can be stopped.

I blame Jonghyun's tragic death on two things, his illness, and the lack of proper resources to help him with it. He said some things in his last letter that made me so angry. He blamed himself for being depressed because some doctor told him it was his fault for feeling that way. He went deep into the dangerous mindset of it's all your fault and that makes you worthless. None of this is true. Depression is no one's fault. It's an illness, just like cancer, or something physical. You wouldn't look at someone dying of a physical illness and tell them it's there fault and to just snap out of it. Depression requires treatment and intervention, just like all other illnesses. It's something that happens to you, not something you cause. Never foe second believe your depression is your fault. It's not! He needed someone to look him in the eyes and tell him he was worth the world, that he was sick and they would help him get better. Depression is never your fault. It lies to you and makes you think that it is, but it's not. You are not worthless. No one is ever worthless.

Third, I hate how his death is affecting people. It's made some of his fans sink further into their own illnesses, and may be setting up a president for other struggling celebrities. It's dangerous what is happening. Without a change in attitude and information in Korea about mental illness, this could keep happening. They need to start talking about these things and properly dealing with mental illness instead of blaming the sick for being sick.

This whole thing has made me both incredibly sad and also angry. 

Suicide is never the answer.

Don't you ever think that it is!!

Depression is an illness that can get better. It may never truly ever stop, it may come and go, but the pain will lessen. Those dark moments of wanting to die will happen over and over again, but they are temporary feelings that need to be dealt with. Never ever give into them!

Suicide is stupid! 

I'm not saying the person that commits it is stupid.

I'm saying that the act itself is a stupid concept that should never be considered. Just look at all the people that have been affected by his death. Look at all the pain it caused. It's not worth it!

I wish someone could have told him all these things. I wish someone could have hugged him tight and walked him through everything he was feeling.

I wish his doctors could have told him that none of this was his fault and that there were things they could do to help lighten the load of his illness. 

Depression lies!

It's not you and you are not it!

If you're suffering, do not do it alone. Talk to someone! And, if they try and blame you for what you're feeling, runaway. They are wrong! You are not at fault.

And, no matter what, never ever let this pain drive you to suicide.

Suicide is stupid and it destroys lives beyond your own.

The pain is always temporary, even if you can't see it, even if it comes and goes, or has lasted for years. There are always moments of happiness in-between the pain. Cling to those moments and never ever stop fighting!

I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up one day and see a SUJU member's name on my screen. They better learn from this tragedy and know that there are better alternatives to help with their pain than death. I pray that the other people suffering in Korea, celebrity or not, get the real help they need and realize that depression is not your fault. It's an illness, like other sicknesses, and it can get better.

Never stop fighting!

I wish someone had told Jonghyun all this.

I wish he could have known there was help out there and he was worth more than just his talent. He was worth the world for just being alive and human. He needed a break from the pressure, time to heal, and time to work through the pain. Death was not the solution for his problems. All it did was bring pain to others and end his bright shining life from ever getting better. 

Suicide is never the answer .., 



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BTS_Rania_ARMY #1
I totally agree with you . I didn't know Jonghyun personally but it hurts me deeply what he did . putting my self on his mother place makes me go crazy , to think my baby was in so much pain and I couldn't help him , I wasn't there for him when he needed me the most , I brought my baby to a life of pain and couldn't make my baby happy .... that thought alone would kill me .
I try never to comment people's blogs but here goes...

I don't agree with the sentiment that "Suicide is stupid". I really don't. I say this as someone who has had suicidal ideation, tendencies and feelings since I was 14 years old. I'm 36 and you see I'm still here typing to you. So, yeah, I would say that I am someone who has "fought through my feelings". I did try to kill myself in 2007, to make a long story short, my abusive ex-boyfriend kidnapped me and was keeping me at his house and not even letting me leave his room. So, that did wonders for my psyche. I almost died in 2007 and went into a coma for hours and hours. But I came out of it.

I had made two earlier attempts prior to 2007 but nothing happened and no one found out about them. Since 2007, I have had bouts of suicidal ideation that are pretty frequent. I am a very sensitive person and I feel that things hit me very hard. I always tell my husband that I am too sensitive for this world. I don't feel that I fit into this society or on this planet. Very small things will seemingly send me into endless spirals of existential despair. I so understand the impulse to want to end it all. I have had those thoughts many, many times. One night, I had codeine with promethazine and I knew if I took it with DayQuil, I could just end it all. I thought about it and stared at my "Devil" poster and just couldn't do it. Invariably, thoughts of my father being heartbroken and of leaving my husband destroyed is what stops me. Super Junior has stopped me. But sometimes, I am just so close to that ledge and just want to jump off and end all this.

So, it would be very fake for me to sit here and pretend that I don't understand where Jonghyun was coming from because I myself feel those suicidal impulses on a semi-regular basis. I just wish that someone or s or family or even us, the fans, could have been that thing that stopped him from doing it. That thing that made him hang on. That thing that made him live another day, even if he didn't feel like it. Even if he didn't want to hang on. Even if he was tired of living.

I've had suicidal ideation since I was 14 years old and the feelings of not fitting in in this existence go back even further than that. I'm 36. That's a pretty long time. I've tried counseling, therapy, anti-depressants (which I had a horrible reaction to and had to be hospitalized for), benzodiazepines, Reiki therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation...pretty much everything under the sun.

Sometimes, the fact is, it just isn't enough. I'm never going to be the one to say that it's all going to be sunshine and rainbows because for some people, it just isn't. For some people, seemingly it doesn't get better and these depressive feelings and suicidal thoughts linger for years, receding, ebbing and flowing, but always coming back. Some people just get tired. I can't sit here and fault them for that or pretend I don't understand because I do. That's pretty much my life.

So, I really disagree with the sentiment that "Suicide is stupid". It's hurtful, it's painful, it's destructive. But stupid? I would never say that. I don't like the sentiment that I see that assumes that everyone gets better, that everything eventually gets better for people. Sometimes that just DOESN'T happen, despite all the medication and therapy in the world. My feeling of not fitting in this plane of existence has never gone away and it gets so strong sometimes and has been confirmed I feel thousands of times over the course of my life. It gets ing tiring sometimes and not everyone is going to continue to want to deal with it. And I don't think that's "stupid".

Sorry for the book but I felt I needed to say something.
*slow clap*
Preeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaccccccchhh Amen!!!
LeeAngel1004 #5
You have expressed my thoughts exactly. The last few days my grief has been intense but my concern for the others has been overwhelming. I've had a hard time sleeping in fear that I will wake up to another nightmare. I have never hated being so far away more than now. I only hope they can feel our love and support. While I am grateful for them being idols as I would haven't been able to get to know them otherwise, sometimes I feel sorry knowing that they would be better off if they weren't sometimes.
To each one fighting the fight, keep it up and know that there are many of us that are here and willing to listen at any time.
Jonghyun, you were such a light the world will be you greatly. I love you and miss you!
that has become my worst fear now, that someday we'll hear this happen to SJ too... there's so many of them to worry about. yesung, teuk, heechul, kangin... i couldn't sleep until 4am last night because after i saw the pictures from the funeral, i couldn't stop worrying about teuk, he looked so tired T_T he just posted on instagram, it's 3am in korea, i wish he will be okay.

i really hope this will cause koreans to think and realize how they should take care of their mental health. i read something on twitter, about how in korea if someone has depression, sometimes a company won't hire them, because they are "weak". apparently when public heard about the milk club at sm, it got shut down because they didn't want people thinking their idols are "weak". how would that mess with someones mind, they are suffering and then basically told nobody will help them. T_T
I agree and disagree. Suicide is stupid and yet sometimes it is the only way. I live in a country that has good mental health services and I'm lucky enough to be able to afford them. I go to therapy once a week and no matter what the therapist does, she can't help me through my depression. No matter what the psychiatrist does, they can't help because they can't treat it. No pill is going to make getting more blood tests any easier. No pill takes away the pain I have in my chest due to inflammation or the pains in my body from whatever the heck is going on. No amount of specialists I see can treat my narcolepsy because I can't take medications for it. So I get to sleep away so much that it doesn't even feel like I'm living at all. Just drifting. I keep fighting only to wake up most mornings in terrible pain. At barely 30, I have to get help to sometimes be able to move enough to just do something everyone takes for granted like going to the bathroom. I write stories when I am feeling ok but even those can be rather dark, controlling, etc.

It isn't the answer, but sometimes it feels like it is. I have access to all these resources and they can't do anything to help me. I can't go out for long periods of time. I'm losing my ability to even continue dancing as much as I liked to. The more life goes on, the worse it gets and the darker the tunnel gets. Why do I keep fighting just to be alive, but not living? I ask that question a lot. I think a lot of people ask that question. I don't really have much strength overall to write for long or to use something to hurt me, so even with those thoughts, I'm not able to.

I wrote all that because as I said... sometimes I can't see it as stupid. People want everyone to live because of how they feel, but not because of how the other person feels. My family wants me to live because they will feel sad. It doesn't matter to them how much I'm suffering because they will be upset. I'm barely two steps up from a living corpse and in so much pain, trapped in my own mind, unable to work, go out with friends, or leave my house for long periods, unable to stay awake and in a state of constant sleep deprivation as my body attacks itself and suffering for the benefit of EVERYONE else but me.

Please. I know it hurts, but please don't call it stupid. Sometimes people truly can't fight anymore and that is their only escape.