
Hello. I'm sure all of you has seen the news. I too am still mourning over him and I will be honest, with my stress and depression burdening me since the last few weeks, the news was very, very painful for me and my mental state. I'm not sure how long I've been crying. I'm not sure I will get over it. I'm still lost for words now, so I will not say much.

For the future of 'pick up the pace', I doubt I will ever continue it. Even if I do, it feels very wrong for me to do so, painful as well.

I will also be taking a break from writing and focusing on my mental health, which could be a week or two. I assure you all that I will not do anything rash as I have people around me to look after and support me. But in times like these, I strongly urge everyone to support each other and stay strong.

I hope you all understand. Please stay safe and don't do anything rash as well.

Lastly, rest easy, Kim Jonghyun. I will always love you. You've done well.

You can follow me on my instagram @, twitter @ pettychangmin, and my tumblr @ pettyhae

Till we see next time :)


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