Thoughts on Shinee Jonghyun's death...

First of all, I would like to send my condolence and prayers to his family. I may not have been a been fan of Shinee but he was such a huge name in the kpop world that everybody knows who he was. As a music lover and a singer myself, I did respect him for his mad vocals. It is such a shame that such a young and talented man's life was taken because of mental illness. This just shows the fact that mental illness is certainly not something to be taken lightly. 

Anyway. This really came as a shock to me, considering I was on hiatus on all kpop-related news/stuff lately. If it wasn't for my friend who texted me and told me, then I wouldn't have known about his death. The fact that Jonghyun has always been vocal about his mental state is already a tell that he wasn't happy. He has always been vocal about his feelings and it's such a shame that nobody ever genuinely thought nor bat an eyelash over that. I myself, who has been battling with depression knows entirely how he feels and I do feel regretful not paying more attention more to the people who suffer the same pain as me. As I told you guys before, I wasn't a fan but I still respected the man. His death is such a waste. He was so young, so full of life and it's such a shame that he lost the battle with his inner demons. It's heartbreaking. But I guess, he is free from the burden now. Free from the pain he has been carrying around for God knows how long. I really hope he is happy and in peace wherever he is. I may not know him personally but I can tell that he tried his best but unfortunately it wasn't enough. He seemed like a good man and it is really a pity he died the way he did.

May you rest in peace. Kim Jonghyun. May you feel our support and love for you wherever your last resting place is.


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