im having the world's longest writers block help

I reallly want to start a new fanfic. My old ones from 2 years ago were pure bull. I have like 3 floating ideas, over 10 drafts but I cant god damn post anything. I can sit down for hours and still be at the same sentence and now I cant even start a new story lol. Plus, last time I can just shamelessly post my rubbish but now i cant even post anything

Am i the only one...


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Nope you are not the only one. When I have writer's block I would usually write some random story using some promts I found online. It helps me to get over it and provides new ideas. Or better yet just push yourself to continue on that chapter you are stuck on. Because you could always edit it to make it better! Hope this helps
Me too, I’ve been having writer’s block for quite a while (around 8 months I think) and it’s frustating that I can’t post anything ;- ; But I am now getting back on track by reading fics and watching things that inspire me :D
Also write drafts. Etc.
I'm sadly at the same state as you... And because of it, I just stopped writing for a while. Now, I'm not used to write anymore and it's so difficult to start again but I tried to fight this writer's block by setting a project. I just need to write 365 one-shots till the end of 2018. The goal is to force myself writing and posting even if my writing will be bad because I think what's important is to find again the habit of writing.