2017 Retrospective - 2018 Planning

2017 Throwback Time!

Now you might say "hey but 2017 isn't over yet!" Well, I know I know, but considering I'm currently going through finals, and that I felt inspired writing this post, well here it is now! Because, spoiler, there most likely won't be anything new from me this year except Misconception's 16th chapter on December 20! 

This post will go through all my works from the year, for which I'll write my thoughts on them and how they were received! I will then talk a bit about what I plan to do for 2018!


November Rain (Jan 21st ~ Feb 18th, 2017)

This was definitely the one I wanted to talk about the most, especially because of the comments I have been receiving for this story. First, I'd love to thank everyone who took their time to read its 33k words from the deepest of my heart. All the comments I have been receiving for this story have warmed my heart (well, the fact I've been told many tears have been shed doesn't warm my heart, but you know what I mean) and it made me incredibly happy to know that so many people have been enjoying this story, especially because it has a really strong meaning to me. Those are the 33k words I've written the quickest in my life, most likely because I became so emotionally drawn to the story I had to continue it, I had to write it and live through the story with the characters. I cried while writing the end, and it has never felt so weird to write "the end" after finishing a work. I couldn't even believe my journey with Han Dayeon, Jimin and Jungkook could finish. 

Very recently, I received a message from a translation student asking if she could translate my story in Arabic and to say I was flattered and touched is probably a huge understatement. I've received so much love with this story, and the fact that it is probably my favorite project makes me so happy because I was already so proud of it in the beginning, I didn't even expect people to love it just as much.

From the very very bottom of my heart, thank you. I will always remember this story, and I will always remember the first image I got of it. It was way before I even though about writing it. I was in the train heading to University, and I had this sudden image of Jungkook standing outside under the rain, looking toward a window and wishing for the person inside to notice him. When the image popped into my mind, I knew I had to write something with this scene, thus November Rain was born.


Sara (March 11th ~ March 18th, 2017)

I honestly didn't expect this story to be really noticed, I wrote this more for myself than anything else. It started with a contest, actually. I was given a prompt and a few themes, I brainstormed different ideas and, with the help of my best friend Laulau95, this psychological short story happened. 

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it somewhere in the story, but Sara was inspired by some of my own personal experience, so writing it freed myself from certain thoughts, and make me think over what it was that I went through, and gave me the chance to share my perception of it to the world in a certain subtility and anonymity. I'm glad I could write it, and I'm glad a few of you could read it as well. It's not my favorite work, but the meaning behind it, and what the story represents to me, makes it important none the less. 


Misconception's First Year Anniversary (Aug 24th, 2017)

The posting of Misconception's 12th chapter marked the story's first year and I was really happy with the work I accomplished with this story for the 12 months it had been on. It's my biggest story project ever, and it's a story I have spent months and months working on before finally daring to post it. Having people reading it, enjoying it and telling me about it makes me really happy. I'm aware it's not necessarily in the usual settings of a typical k-pop fanfiction, but my objective was actually to push the borders a bit further and have a wider range, work with more than the usual closed up Korea ft Koreans frame. People seem to enjoy it and that's honestly all I ask for! I'm aware monthly updates , but it's honestly the best I can do with the program I'm in at school. 


Just for the Length of a Song (Sept 6th, 2017 ~ On-going)

This is a little project I started that I will continue when I have the time to. I usually don't inspire myself from songs at all, I just go with the flow and follow whatever my brain comes up with when I think it is worth it. It just randomly happened that I tried practicing my creativity and come up with short little plots while listening to a song. I decided to work a bit more deeply on that! You're also very invited to do the same if you're a writer that wishes to practice their immediate creativity! It's actually really fun to do^^


Mariiie's 20th birthday (Sept 10th, 2017)

I'm not gonna talk about my old self lmao.


Lauriiie's Roleplay Collection (Dec 2nd, 2017 ~ On-going)

Ok lolol this was actually decided rather quickly but we don't even regret posting those at all. Laulau95 and I have been writing a few very pleasurable stories and this one is no exception. Not only we get to entertain each other because honestly roleplaying is something I've been doing for years on and I've never grown bored of that (this is a side of me I usually don't talk about but here it goes). To my own very not biased opinion, it's definitely something worth reading, it's honestly like any rated-m or hetero story you'd pass by on AFF. 


What's in plan for 2018?

Misconception's continuation

It's something you shouldn't be surprised about. I am definitly going to finish this story. I can't say if its astonishing (lol) final will be in 2018 or in 2019, considering I don't even know myself how many chapters are left to write about it, but I can that its end will definitely happen at some point and I hope all of you can look forward to it. 


BTS' TaeHyung Story

I was really tempted to reveal the title (I might actually have already in another post without remembering but oh well) but I'll leave this as it is. I've been working on a very interesting story last summer that I didn't have time to continue because of lack of time. But I will surely continue it and find a moment to finish it when I have the time to. Hopefully, that happened in 2018.


November Rain's sequel


I'm honestly not sure about this, but it's been going through my mind and there are a few aspects of the story that I wished to explain in a more deeper way. I'm not too sure which one to work on, though, so it's still in very very early development, but I'd sure love to re-dive in this story and make something great again, but the pressure of having it not as good as the original does weight in the balance.



I've also had very little ideas about a Yoongi mafia!au that I mentioned a while ago, as well as a BaekYeol story that I did mention as well, but for those, I'm not entirely sure what I'll be doing yet. I really do hope I'll get more time to work on stories that I enjoy, but it's gotten harder and harder to put time in writing with University taking all my time, mostly because I was recently accepted in Pharmacy back in September, and it is truthfully a lot more work than expected;-; 



That's what concludes the very long post! I really do wish I had more time to write more and give more content to all of you, but priorities are priorities and welp. I can't be the writer I wish I was on this one. I'll continue no matter what, though. Writing is a hobby and a passion that I definitely cannot put behind. It was nice to go back to my stories and express my thoughts about them. For the few who are reading, I hope you enjoyed knowing a bit more about my stories' backstories!


Am I annoying when I thank everyone too much? Maybe, but watch me not giving a . THANK YOU XX

Mariiie xxx


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