
白下雪 : Bái Xiàxuě : 螭


BIRTHNAME : Bái, Xiàxuě

兽雪 : Shòu Xuě — Snow Beast, in hopes of which to scare away the evil and malicious spirits from taking her by her mother

小雪 : Xiǎo Xuě — Little Snow, by her father despite being a female she was his one and only who he cherished a lot

DATE OF BIRTH : December 13
AGE : 23
Shēnzhèn, Guǎngdōng
ETHNICITY : Han Chinese


▸ Guangfu Dialect (Yue) — fluent, native local tongue

▸ Mandarin (Guānhuà) — advanced, mother's native tongue

FACE CLAIM : Crystal Liu (刘亦菲)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Zheng Shuang (郑爽)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 166cm & 46kg


Xiàxuě looks just like the face claim used except a few things. She has minor barely visible scars upon her fingertips from years of practicing on the pipa, the guzheng, and the konghou. Xiàxuě also has a small and thin scar on her lower left jawline when her father threw a cup at her accidentally in slight irritation of when she was around eleven because she had missed a few notes while learning a new piece on the guzheng.


Xiàxuě doesn't particularly have a style per se except for what her parents would usually pick out for her to wear that day, even if she was content with owning one or two or just simple ones. Of course her parents thought otherwise and would gift her with lovely ones for her birthday or a special occasion. Still though it's not like she really cares for them as clothes were just clothes to her, but if it makes her parents happy for her to be dressed like so then she's willing to please them as much as possible.

美在於 : Beauty lies within


POSITIVE : polite, kind, adaptable, observant, passionate
NEUTRAL : tolerant, reserved, calm
NEGATIVE : forgetful, quiet, hesitant, shy, naive, clinging, detached, weak-willed
OTHER : none


Xiàxuě is someone who is respectful and considerate of other people and their feelings. Her considerate nature makes her appear approachable as she's often time is friendly and generous in general. Of course this doesn't mean that she would always go out of her way to exert herself if she doesn't have to. Still, Xiàxuě is able to adjust within her surroundings and make use of the situation of which she is placed in. Although she isn't that quick to notice things, but Xiàxuě does become aware of what's happening around her due to her quiet nature and is able to take in things because of that. Even so Xiàxuě will have her moments where she'll showcase her strong feelings of what she loves and enjoys the most, especially with her loved ones. 

Xiàxuě will often times in her silent ways show her willingness of one's existence, opinions, and behaviors that she doesn't necessarily agree with or approve of as it's not her place of what the other does. The only thing that matters is how she responds to it that portrays her actual thoughts and words. Which for Xiàxuě is usually in a slow kind of way of revealing her true emotions and opinions. Like there's really nothing wrong with her, but it takes Xiàxuě a moment to express something if she really wants to think about it or isn't quite familiar with it. At times it may come across a bit serene or relaxed as Xiàxuě isn't really the type to show or express herself with a lot of feels unless it involves music than does a more excited form of her emerges.

Xiàxuě has the tendency to be absentminded and dreamy at times because she's easily distracted if something interesting catches her attention. Of course it's not all of the time as Xiàxuě does things in moderation without being brash or forceful, but others are mostly baffled by her unusual and discreet ways that they believed her to be more out-going and lively like how she plays and sings.  This is just something that isn't in her nature to do so since Xiàxuě is a little unsure in the way that she acts or speaks when around others that she isnt really that close with and or have form a bond with. Truth be told Xiàxuě is usually timid and nervous around the company of other people although she is quite good in hiding that from the others' view. Still she's kind of introverted and possibily innocent in the sense because it may be due to Xiàxuě lacking any real experiences since she didn't interact with many people while growing up and was always around her parents.

Due to being around her parents majority of the time while growing up, Xiàxuě has developed an attachment to where she becomes emotionally dependent on those that she's close with. It's like Xiàxuě can't be away from them too long or she'll get anxious and awkward without their presence with her. Which will cause Xiàxuě to become disconnected with the world or others even if they're friendly and Xiàxuě can't function without becoming a bumbling mess or that of a small child again. Thus, Xiàxuě lacks resolution of where she's unable to make a simple decision concerning anything of her life or herself although anything concerning music is a different story as it's another world for her and she's not sure why it's like that.  


Xiàxuě was born to a peasant farmer father, Qiáng, of Guangdong and a merchant's daughter, Sùzhēn, of Nanjing. Her parents met by accident (or was it fate?) when Xiàxuě's mother ran away from Sùzhēn's father's ship to avoid being married off to a foreign husband overseas to aid her father's connections. Sùzhēn escaped during the night from her father's ship when her father ported at Shenzhen before heading out the next morning for the long journey. Sùzhēn traveled with the only belongings she was allowed to bring, which wasn't much since her future husband would provide her with the necessary things (but Sùzhēn did sneak in her pipa along with her as she could not part with it as it was a gift from her grandfather), and collapsed in Qiáng's family rice paddy field at dawn from traveling far with her still healing unbounded feet (from feet binding when Sùzhēn was much younger yet her father stopped the practice upon discovering that the foreigners overseas weren't really in to it as the Chinese) and without having eaten a decent meal that night as well.

Anyhow, Qiáng discovered Sùzhēn's body and panicked thinking someone had died, but noticed that she was still breathing. He rushed her body back home where his mother took care of her while he went back to the field to do his own thing as it was just him and his mother.  Some time later Sùzhēn finally came to, but remained silent not wanting to be discovered in going back to her father. There was a knock at the door and Sùzhēn tried to hide which caused Qiáng to be curious about her situation, but didn't say anything and went to answer the door. It was Sùzhēn's father asking Qiáng if a young woman had come across his home and he said no. Sùzhēn's father went on his way with no suspicion that the young man before him would lie.

Well, after that Sùzhēn was truly grateful towards Qiáng while he just nodded his head and went back to do his own things leaving her with his mother. It was kind of cute because his mother has never seen her son like this and she told Sùzhēn that she can stay for as long as she liked Sùzhēn had stayed since growing close with Qiáng which they eventually married. Sùzhēn gave birth to Xiàxuě some time later just in time for the baby to be named by Qiáng's mother who passed a few weeks later. It was a joyous time yet it held a melancholy feel, too. Xiàxuě wished she had met her father's mother, but enjoyed the stories that her parents told her since then.

Anyways, Xiàxuě had a nice childhood filled with stories and good memories despite harsh realities due to a bad harvest and such, but her family had one another and they got through it all of the bad the good, and everything in-between. Xiàxuě does wondered at times what it would have been like if her mother never ran away from her father's ship or if she hadn't collapsed in her father's rice paddy field, but another one before or after. The thing that she never questioned is if she was born into another family or of a different social status. While Xiàxuě was taught many things by her mother and learned other things from her father growing up, she was content with the life she was born into and couldn't think of living it any other way.


Xiàxuě is a musician as she plays and some times sings at the market place or a few of the shops and inns that allowed her to play. There is one place that allows Xiàxuě to play as often as she likes if it's only with the guzheng since the owner granted Xiàxuě a deal of when she turned sixteen and could play it without making five mistakes then Xiàxuě could obtain the music instrument. Xiàxuě obtained the guzheng although what she didn't know was that her mother had paid the owner in purchase of the item for her daughter. Sùzhēn was saving the few jewellry she had with her as her father wanted to impress the man she was supposed to marry. Sùzhēn was going to use it to help Qiáng with the harvest, but he told her to keep it for Xiàxuě in the future. And so here it came to be in used for her daugther who wanted the guzheng more than anything.

Xiàxuě has one friend that joins her majority of the time while playing and the two usually make more money that way and are able to pass the day faster because of each other's presence. Xiàxuě does not go alone when she plays as either parent acompanies her for her own protection, but also because it gets them out and about for a few hours. Xiàxuě usually goes with her mother most days, but when she goes with her father it's special since her father can relax and not think too much about harvesting the rice and such while her mother can rest without cooking and tending to the everyday chores.

Xiàxuě never sleeps in and wakes up at the break of dawn along with her parents. While her father gets ready to go out to the field, Xiàxuě helps her mother (who recovered well, but not that well where her feet still hurts every now and then) with making breakfast for her father and to pay respect to the land and spirts every morning before she and her mother eats. After that she usually helps her mother with the chores, but other times she's practicing one of her musical instruments. And if the weather permits or mainly her father allows Xiàxuě to go out and work the field, she would do so and even bring her father his meal and they would take a break joined by her mother and talk about whatever. Although it's mainly her and her mother that talked while her father would nod or grunt and answer or two with some short answers if he feels like it.

When she's not hanging around her parents, Xiàxuě would wander around the property, but never going near her neighbors as she's not really that fond of one of them who frequently visits for no real reason except to ask about her and what not. Other than that, Xiàxuě she'll enjoy the scenic view and makes crown from the leaves or flowers that's lying around. Some times she'll take a stick and write within the dirt or doodle since she's not that skilled in anything scholar like. More often than she knows, Xiàxuě will gain inspiration as some notes play in her head and she'll hum it before realziing she wants to play it on one of her instruments. and run off to go do so. Then when it nears night time and after they had their meal and washed up, Xiàxuě would play a song that she come up with or another one that she likes before they go to bed.

Xiàxuě becomes a candidate for the Dragon Bride after her friend mentions it. Xiàxuě isn't all that keen to being a Dragon Bride, but when her parents learn of it then she really has no choice. Her mother doesn't want Xiàxuě to die without knowing what it was like to be with a man and eventually falling in love. Although it's a similar thing she's doing to her daughter what her father did to her, but serving as the Dragon Bride was more honorable than that of being with a foreigner for selfish reasons. As for Xiàxuě's father, of course he knew this day would come for his daughter to be married off. He's been holding it off for far too long and she could have made any man happy if he gave her away. Her father hopes now that she'll make an honorable Dragon Bride. Xiàxuě will do anything for her parents as a dutiful daughter. So she knows this way is to pay them back for raising her to now.



▸ music (
it has become a part of her life and is something that makes her smile)
▸ night time (
the darkness allowing the stars and moon to shine is what drew her in)
▸ stories (
her mother used to tell her stories before bed and she enjoyed listening to them)
▸ nature (
regardless of all weather she still enjoys the different seasons)
▸ peaches (
just likes the textures although they're good)

▸ humidity (
she just doesn't like how the weather makes her feel and the other reason below)
▸ insects (
they just annoy her whenever they pop up and hates seeing and hearing them, especially during monsoon season)
▸ reptiles (
she was bit by a snake when she was younger and her father had to the poison out which made him sick for a few days and she blamed herself)
▸ people invading her bubble space (
although tolerant she would prefer if people kept their distance unless they're kids or her parents or those she knows well)
▸ people touching her hair (
she grows cautious and doesn't like the attention)

▸ playing with the ends of her hair (
more like it and twisting the ends a bit)
▸ tapping her fingertips against a surface or her thighs (
kinda out of nervousness, but usually it's to keep her hands occupy)
▸ tilting her head slightly when listening to or playing music or someone speaking to her (
she unconsciously does this and when she's with a person she tries not to, but can't help it at times)
▸ furrowing her eyebrows when confused (
does this quite often when things don't make sense)
▸ talking with her hands when excited (
she's able to express with the help of them)

▸ playing musical instruments (
something her mother knew she had a knack for and taught her these instead of anything scholar-like)
▸ imitating characters with what she can (
like writing, painting, etc as she can only really write her name and her parents as she has memorized the characters for them)
▸ cooking with her mother (
not as great as her mother, but knows enough to cook a decent meal)
▸ helping her father out in the field when he allows her (
which is rare since her father doesn't want her to injure herself or get tanned)
▸ making flower crowns for the fun of it (
it soothes her and keeps her busy)

▸ large amount of water (
she can't swim)
▸ never seeing her parents again (
they mean a lot to her so she wouldn't know what to do if they disappeared from her life)
▸ thunder (
it makes her more anxious as the booming sound irks her hearing and she tenses up)
▸ lightning (
same as above as the lightning could strike close to her if it happens)
▸ Yú Gāo (
look under relationship)

▸ “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” :
千里之行﹐始于足下 : qiānlǐ zhī xíng﹐shǐ yú zúxià (something her mother would say every now and then because of how right it was when she took that single step to live a different life and paved a different journey for herself)
▸ “Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul.” (
another saying where her mother would mention often throughout 
Xiàxuě's childhood that having a pretty face only lasts for so long compare to what's inside that makes a person truly beautiful as it reveals more than what's on the surface)
▸ “But where does the strange emotion that fascinates me as much as it disturbs me.” :
mais d'où vient l'émotion étrange qui me fascine autant qu*elle me dérange (since
Xiàxuě is kind of a curious person she tends to like and dislike when something stays on her mind)
▸ “Life's like a piano. The white keys represent the happiness, and the black keys show sadness. But as you go through your life's journey, remember that the black keys make music too.” (
Xiàxuě learned pretty early on that life wasn't just one thing as life had many things to offer whether for the good or for the bad and everything else in-between)
▸ “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” (
Xiàxuě kind of knows that the past isn't something to linger much one, yet the future is quite vast with endless possibilities, but she's still a bit hesistant in herself to live in the present)

▸ knows how to play the pipa and the guzheng (the pipa is her most favorite one to play and the first instrument she learned to play while the guzheng she learned from the owner instead of her mother since her mother couldn't travel as much and Xiàxuě couldn't take the instrument out of the shop)
▸ doesn't know how to read (her mother briefly taught her, but discontinued when Xiàxuě turned five as it was harder to teach when she herself was not that well-educated)
▸ plays songs by listening (because she's unable to read, she learned  by picking up the sound that a note would make and go from there)
▸ still an unwed maiden (despite being a female her father was reluctant in marrying her off because she was his only child and thus she would live with her husband's family instead if she did until the announcement of being a Dragon Bride was when her father made up his mind)

始終保護 : always protect



(Tony Leung)

▸ father — 白强 : Bái Qiáng (47) / rice paddy farmer / hard-working, stoic, strong, silent, caring / close
Xiàxuě and her father get along fine despite his stoic and silent demeanor. She knows her father isn't a very expressive man, but she knows he loves her and cares for her by his simple actions and gestures. It could be why Xiàxuě is often calm, quiet, shy, and silent because of being influenced by her father. She enjoys playing a song for her father whenever he requests for one or after a long hard day out in the field.

(Christine Fan)

▸ mother — 李素贞 : Lǐ Sùzhēn (43) / housewife / creative, kind-hearted, earnest, proud, firm / close
Xiàxuě and her mother get along very well and have good relations with eachother. Although she isn't as beautiful as her mother or as skillful in many things, but with her mother as her teacher she has learned many things from her and continue to do so. Xiàxuě definitely gets the creativity and imagination from her mother although she's not as graceful and amazing in doing so, but her other still praises her well.


(1931's QiànQiàn 茜茜)

▸ friend — 馬子婧 : Mǎ Zijìng (18) / musician / cheerful, playful, friendly, out-going, sweet / close
Despite being older, Xiàxuě and Zijìng get along well like that of siblings. Zijìng is a little more open than Xiàxuě, but that aids the both of them when they play music together with Zijìng knowing the erhu. They hardly ever fight, but Zijìng does have the habit of causing a bit of mischief to liven up things in hopes of earning more money and garnering attention. Which truth be told, Xiàxuě isn't fond of the latter, but it helps especially when Zijìng is having a lot of funZijìng is the one that informs Xiàxuě of the Dragon Bride proposal.

(ex-Seven Sense's Liú Mùzi 刘木子)

▸ servant friend — 圆灵 : Yuán Líng (physically 25) / servant / attentive, loyal, patient, diligent, worrisome / somewhat close
Xiàxuě wants and likes to treat Yuán Líng as that of a friend since they are the only two females within the house. Yuán Líng tries not to cross that boundary as she was assigned to serve the Dragon Bride, but will give in once and a while upon seeing Xiàxuě looking lonely with no real companion to play with. Yuán Líng usually informs Xiàxuě about anything concering Chīwěn upon the request of Xiàxuě. Yuán Líng does not gossip, unless it's to complain about Zhāng Wěi since the two bicker a lot.



(Eric Tsang)

▸ neighbor — 俞高 : Yú Gāo (49) / rice paddy farmer / pretentious, talkative, nosy, annoying, persistent / not close
Xiàxuě is not fond of this man whatsoever nor will she ever be. She's not exactly sure why she dislikes Gāo, but it may have something to do with the way he looks at her when her parents' attention are elsewhere. Since Xiàxuě was sixteen, Gāo has asked her father when he would marry her off. When she was eighteen, Gāo suggested for her to be his bride, but even then Xiàxuě's father declined. Anyhow, Gāo would try something and even anything to ruin her father's harvest so that Gāo could help out as much as possible and be repay by the hand in marriage with Xiàxuě. Of course nothing goes his way and her father deals with it without giving her up to this man. Still doesn't stop the man from eyeing Xiàxuě whenever he liked and watching and listening to her when she plays. He also has a wife who's unable to bore him a child.

(Chen Xiang)

▸ husband's servant — 张苇 : Zhāng Wěi (physically 27) / servant / resilent, faithful, trustworthy, sly, aloof / not close
Xiàxuě and Zhāng Wěi don't communicate with one another as often face to face nor do they see the other as well, but Xiàxuě does see Zhāng Wěi more often than Chīwěn when she first arrived at the house. Later on, Xiàxuě usually asks Yuán Líng to ask Zhāng Wěi about Chīwěn when the two hardly see one another, but even so Zhāng Wěi doesn't reveal much and that  Xiàxuě could always ask Chīwěn herself if she's so curious.

為什麼你? : why you?



Tell us a little bit about yourself. :

Hello. My name is Bái Xiàxuě and I've come from all the way of the Guangdong Province. I'm the only child of my family and can play three instruments and sing a bit.

Do you have any disabilities or sicknesses we should we aware of? : 

▸ Um, I don't have the best of vision as some things appeared fuzzy and blurry from a distance.

How well do you take care of your physical appearance and your overall wellbeing? : 

▸ As for my physical appearance I really don't worry too much about that, honestly. My well-being on the other hand though, I do, since I want to live a good life and be able to provide for and take care of my father and mother as they grow older.

How much do you know about the Dragon King and his Sons? How well educated are you on this matter? : 

▸ I'm not that well-educated in the matter although I've heard the stories as bedtime stories as I was a child, but I do know that the Dragon King and his dragon sons are quite powerful and protect the land and our people from harm with the offerings we give them.


WHY are you volunteering to become a dragon bride? Are you aware of what you'll need to do, especially if you are chosen? : 

Because of my age and finally letting me go to explore the world more my parents have insisted upon me becoming a Dragon Bride in hopes of a different life than that of what they have provided for me thus far. Also my father deems I fit as a Dragon Bride than any bride of any regular man as I was his only child and a female at that.

What makes you special enough to be chosen as a dragon bride?  : 

▸ My musical abilities. Not many follow the path of being a musician nowadays and how the allure of music can heal a soul with a few notes. I believe that makes me special enough along with my feet not being bound and so I could move about freely than others are able to.

How Willing are you to please the one you are offered to? : 

▸ Always to the best of my abilities because we must endure to overcome anything.

Have you been previously betrothed? Are you still pure? : 

▸ No, I have not and yes, I'm still pure.

Alright, that should do it. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself? : 

▸ Not about myself actually, but if I'm accepted as a Dragon Bride, then would I still be able to see my parents again?


LOVE INTEREST : Chīwěn // Aaron Yan (炎亞綸)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : Bìàn //  Yang Yang (杨洋)
PHYSICAL AGE : 28 / 25

NICKNAME(S) FOR HIM : Xiàxuě hardly called Chīwěn by his real name at the start of their relationship because it felt weird to her to call him by just his name only due to his status. Of course this irked Chīwěn despite telling Xiàxuě otherwise. Over time it's gotten better though.

Zhǔ () : Lord
Géxià (阁下) : Excellency
Fūjūn (夫君) : Husband (when he doens't like the other two)
Xiānshēng (先生) : Man of the House (husband per se)
Lǎogōng (老公) : Yue dialect of saying husband
WěnWěn () : just the second part of his name doubled

NICKNAME(S) FOR HER : because of the names that Xiàxuě would call him by Chīwěn calls her by other names out of pettiness as well despite it being out of character for him too since she insists on using the other names than his own. Later on though it does get better.

Xiàyǔ (下雨) : Raining (similar, but clearly wrong)
Fūrén (夫人) : "Wife" (refers her to others not by her name)
Tàitài (太太) : Lady of the House (wife per se)
Lǎopó (老婆) : Yue dialect of saying wife
▸ XuěXuě (雪雪) : just the second part of her name doubled


▸ Positive :
patient, humble, vigilant, protective, consistent
▸ Neutral : impassive, enigmatic, whimsical
▸ Negative : aloof, vague, stubborn, grumpy, unpredictable
▸ Other : none

Being the second son and one of the oldest of nine brothers, Chīwěn is able to handled things quite well. Especially, when things go wrong or when problems arises or suffering occurs without being anxious or annoyed by them and accepts it as it comes. This makes Chīwěn appear to have a modest nature and that he isn't any better than another despite his own status. Due to this, Chīwěn is able to keep a watchful eye out for any potential danger or difficulties that may occur when he's out and about. As Chīwěn takes precaution in the safety of others and is quite a capable person. His unchanging attitude and action holds firmly over time and hardly ever deviates.

Which could explain why Chīwěn isn't as expressive as one may think and tends to have a blank expression upon his face. He isn't shy or anything, but he does have a gaze that is hard to connect with. Then again, it's just how he is and Chīwěn rarely cracks a smile in the presence of others unless with those that know him very well.  Because to outsides and those that do not know him very well find Chīwěn to be mysterious and difficult to interpret. As much as others would like for Chīwěn to be more verbal or expressive Chīwěn prefers to let the actions speak for themselves. Truth be told in all honesty, Chīwěn does have a curiously quaint side to him that's slightly mischievous when the moment for it to occur happens without much thought on his end. Again, a rare sight.

Despite Chīwěn's modest nature and still being seen as approachable, Chīwěn's not that forthcoming and often tends to keep to himself in a formal, cool, and distant manner from others. Which causes confusion for others that do interact with Chīwěn when they get the chance to as his actions and how he goes about doing things in a consistent manner, but the meaning behind them is unclear and indefinite. Also factoring in that he hardly talks unless he feels the needs to. Even if others or his brothers persuade Chīwěn to change his ways or attidue of going about it different, he won't as he holds his own ground on his own stance. If others continue to insist and become persistent when Chīwěn's has stated otherwise, Chīwěn's temper will get the best of him. He would like to avoid this at all cost because he's not sure how he will behave and the aftermath is iffy.

Chīwěn's relationship with Bìxì is that of good friends as well as rivals since Chīwěn is the second son and so will always seem to be in second compare to Bìxì despite being close. Maybe because of this reasoning Chīwěn thinks and believes he can't match his brother and so Chīwěn chooses to be Bìxì's right-hand man instead as well as the silent one of the two.

Chīwěn's relationshp with Yázì is kind of a hit and miss at times, well a lot of misses, as Chīwěn still sees Yázì as that of a hot-headed youngster with a lot of agrrresion to release despite living for hundreds of years now. Yázì in a sense engages Chīwěn to get a rise out of him as Chīwěn's too aloof for any of them to actually connect with at times since Yázì believes Chīwěn is just holding out in fear of losing his cool or himself.


▸ Chīwěn honestly really couldn't care any less for what his Dragon Bride may look like or of the background that she may come from. Chīwěn has his own needs and hopes that his Dragon Bride will be able to follow through with what she has agreed to. As for Xiàxuě she isn't sure what to think of except for the stories of the Dragon King being merciful and hopes that his son will be similar. Xiàxuě just hopes it's a life she'll be able to get used to.
Chīwěn isn't disappointed with Xiàxuě at all honestly. He's quite happy to know that she isn't that talkative either and keeps to herself like himself. It's her appearance to someone of his past that shocks him the most, but he never mentions it. As for Xiàxuě she's intimidated by Chīwěn's strong aura and that he's very handsome. Honestly speaking, Xiàxuě was imagining him with scales all over along with a fish tail and dragon whiskers. Something like the Monkey King.


Chīwěn isn't really sure of what to do with Xiàxuě despite the obvious reason. Although Chīwěn knows that he holds Xiàxuě's fate in his hand, he doesn't want to force it. It's not in his nature to do so. Chīwěn actually gives Xiàxuě space and time to adjust to her new life. Xiàxuě doesn't see Chīwěn for several days. At first she thinks he's avoiding her, but learns that Chīwěn wants her to grow accustom to her new living arrangements. They really don't interact directly, but indirectly through their servants. Chīwěn and Xiàxuě hardly see one another at the start of it all.
It actually quite slow really as time goes by. Chīwěn has all of these centuries of wisdom and knowledge, but none of which to interact or deal with a mortal woman. While Xiàxuě only has twenty-three years of what she lived so far and a majority of her life she only had her father as a promeinent male figure. Other than that Xiàxuě becomes bord and curious and with nothing to do like what she does back home, Xiàxuě explores Chīwěn's house. Xiàxuě happens to chance upon his library as well as a music room. One of which isn't frequent as often as the other and she spends her time in the music room. Chīwěn discovers Xiàxuě there one day and hearing the music flow within his home seems to stir the air and fill it up. Everything goes into motion after that day and the two interact more often. Chīwěn expects to hear something being played when he comes home and Xiàxuě doesn't disappoint as she feels like she is now home.


Xiàxuě prefers Chīwěn to choose the color of her outfit for the day as it reminds her of what her parents did for her. Sort of like a routine. Although at first Chīwěn finds it unnecessary, but over time he comes to enjoy seeing her wearing whatever color he had picked for that day.
▸ The nicknames they have for one another soon becomes one of endearment and a way for only these two to understand between each other although it may come off weird to others upon hearing them. In private, Chīwěn soon prefers to call Xiàxuě by as she's the rain that refreshes him. As for Xiàxuě she often than not likes to call Chīwěn with Lǎogōng as that's what she heard her mother called her father while growing up.
▸ Because
Chīwěn is in charge of maintaining precise control over water he promises Xiàxuě to one day teach her how to swim and she casually awaits the day for it to be fulfilled.
Xiàxuě doesn't ventured that far outside of the home due to Chīwěn's words, but when she does she goes out far enough that he has told her to enjoy the scenery and comes back with a crown made out of the forest leaves and branches. Every time she makes one she presents it for Chīwěn to wear although he hardly does, but he appreciates the small gestures and collects them instead.
Music has become a very large part of Chīwěn's life so when he doesn't hear any music playing at all throughout the day or when he returns home Chīwěn becomes curious and seeks out Xiàxuě to see if something is wrong with her, but finds out that she's just copying scriptures and lost track of time. He promises to teach her how to read and write as well one day although she doesn't mind scribbling for fun as of now.
What Chīwěn likes about Xiàxuě is her tolerance of him and towards him even though she probably didn't want to be here in the first place. Chīwěn also likes that Xiàxuě can sing and play the music instruments to which he never really found time for despite living for hundreds of years. He does enjoy it when Xiàxuě squints without knowing it due to her vision being slightly impaired and it kind of makes her clumsy at times. Some things that Chīwěn dislikes about Xiàxuě is that she doesn't take too much of an initial in doing things for herself and pleasing herself without thinking of others' first. Also, he dislikes being compared to her father when he is his own person and not some mortal either even though he never asked why she does so.
As for Xiàxuě she likes that Chīwěn reminds her of her father at times like his silent yet strong personality that makes her feel safe and secure. It's the same for when Chīwěn chooses the color for her outfit as Xiàxuě loves seeing the smile upon his face when he sees her in the outfit she decides based upon his color choice. As for any dislikes, Xiàxuě doesn't like his vague answers when she asks him certain questions. Same as for when Chīwěn's watchful gaze lingers on her for a little too long and Xiàxuě gets a bit uncomfortable for some reason. Plus Xiàxuě's really afraid of the "dark" side that Chīwěn has that she only saw once although he has no clue that she witnessed that side of him.

because Xiàxuě hardly sees Chīwěn around and thinks he doesn't like her and so she gets lonely and becomes detached from everything around her and Xiàxuě's not sure how to deal with it and so a bad decison finds herself drowing her loneliness in wine. Xiàxuě has never drank before, but remembers Zijìng saying something about it helping to calm the nerves and to forget things. 
Chīwěn realizes that Xiàxuě resembles someone from his past long ago. Although Xiàxuě looks like the past person, but Chīwěn knows that Xiàxuě isn't exactly her and isn't sure how to handle the situation since the past Xiàxuě was another mortal woman that lost her life due to a water incident because of Chīwěn.
Xiàxuě constantly expresses her desire to see her parents, but Chīwěn informs her that it isn't so easily done every time she brings up the topic. It gets to the point where Xiàxuě becomes desperate enough that she's willing to do anything to just see her parents one last time even if she has to disobey Chīwěn's words of going beyond further then she's allowed to of the Forbidden Forest.

As for past Xiàxuě, her name was Jiàng Fāng. Fāng was abandoned by her parents at the age of three as her birth father wanted a son and when he got one her birth mother left Fāng with her mother's father since it was tough already feeding a family of four. Anyways, it was Fāng's grandfather that gave her the name as it meant fragant and he didn't want to just call her 'girl' since Fāng's parents never gave her a name. Fāng was raised on a farm and she heped her grandfather as best as she could out in the fields since there wasn't much for her to do except help her grandfather with the farmlands and livestocks and asking questions about her parents were long forgotten when her grandfather told her he knew nothing as each year passed by.
Fāng met Chīwěn when she was seventeen as Chīwěn was mortally exhausted from overexerting his powers and was too weak to return home. He ended up in her grandfather's field where Fāng discovered his body and took care of him without her grandfather knowledge since he hated upper status people, especially those that were males. Chīwěn's outfit made her assume he wasn't a commoner like her. Anyways, Fāng never learned his name, but he knew hers and Chīwěn would visit her for some reason, but he watched her from afar. He wasn't sure why he kept paying visits when he had other things to do, but her peaceful life with her grandfather and working on the farm intrigued him.
Fāng died by drowning when there was a flooding that happened in her area. She was helping her grandfather to take care of things and while running across the field to check on th livestock, she fell into a hole that her grandfather was working on and because of the flood Fāng didn't notice it and fell in. Because she didn't know how to swim and the hole was deep and she couldn't grip her way out of it, she drowned. Chīwěn happened to witnessed the incident, but he was called by his father to take care of other things and left Fāng to her fate.

PREFERRED ENDING :  I would love for a happy ending, but if needs be a tragic love story isn't so bad with how most ancient chinese dramas end them. (lol) Or something similar to the stories of Liang Zhu or Niulang Zhinu. Could even be like the Legend of the White Snake.

youwillfly : ky : 9.5


LAST WORDS : hello there! i hope you like Xiàxuě. actually hope the overall of the app is appealing to you guys. XD please do let me know about anything or any clarifications (like her languages)! also... hope you don't mind that i put in Aaron Yan (and i know he's one more year older than said two years, but i hope that's okay?) and Yang Yang. like... i really wanted to use them once i pictured them in the two dragon son plots. if not, i can switched them out for the possible/preferred face claims that you guys had listed. ^^ the same with Crystal Liu (who's 7 years older than the age, but yeah hope that's fine?) and Zheng Shuang (who's also like 3 years older than the age, too) since i really like these ladies too. xD anyways... if Xiàxuě's ability of knowing the three Chinese instruments is too much i'll tone it down to one instead. same with a lot of the Chinese stuff here and there although it's a Chinese based story, but i do tend to get carried aways. ^^ the gifs are from Aaron Yan's That's Not Me (good drama, too, lol) if you guys wanted to wacth it or listen to it or something like that along with an explanation of the overall video if you're curious about it. oh yeah, one more thing. dude there is so much dynasties throughout China and luckily i found information that listed it in chronologic order. lol and it was hard to look up on how a husband and wife would call each other in the ancient times. although i feel like i shouldn't have worried about it too much, but yeah whatever. that's just me, maybe. lol anyways, major good luck on writing the story as well as finding the characters for the dragon sons!! take care!


EDIT: hihi again~ so the revision has been made. hopefully it's okay this time around now. ^^ i had the mom own a pipa before meeting the father. added that she learned the guzheng as her mom purchased the item with jewellry she had, but not sure if jewellry could compensate the price of music instruments. the konghou was also taken out since she didn't need to know all three, lol. i also added in the servants although im not sure if they'll have any roles in the story itself per se, but i did so anyways. ^^ hope the relationships with Chīwěn with both Bìxì and Yázì  is brief enough to get the gist of it. and i hope the potential reasons for big relationship conflicts are okay since i had trouble thinking of something that didn't seem so cliche or overused, and i think i did okay with that as it doesn't appear to be like so. xD but yeah that's the revisions and please do let me know once again about anything!! =] again, major good luck!

EDIT v2: revision made once again! it's highlighted in purple instead. in the past, trivia, and then the love section. i kind of based it upon the movie Once Upon A Time in a sense, but not really. ol but that's why i included the whole past looking girl and what not althoug it's not that much. lol but yeah sorry or the confusion. because i also didn't know what dynasty to placed when
Chīwěn met Fāng as i don't know much about their history. ^^ and i have no clue if flooding is part of the weather or water in general and ill revise that later if it doesn't work with Chīwěn.

PASSWORD : Bái Xue's Theme Song (i couldn't choose one, there's just too many, so there's four options. sorry not sorry. lol and i realized that none of them are actually happy per se... oh well. ^^ ... wait one more as i just remembered this song and just for fun. lol) Liang Zhu.... lol



Xiàxuě asking Chīwěn about the stories of the Butterfly Lovers and The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl if he has met them and if they're true and real like him (lol)
Chīwěn reads Xiàxuě a story one day after he learns that Xiàxuě can't read, but she can imagine the storyline based upon the images to get a gist of it or interpreting it on her own accord
Chīwěn overhears Xiàxuě playing a music instrument while singing and request for her to play and sing every other night or something without telling her why he wants her to do that
Xiàxuě almost drowning and Chīwěn saves her, but then scolds her to be careful although he was the reason why she was near water in the first place even though he didn't know of her being unable to swim. Also this is where Xiàxuě finally calls Chīwěn by his real name and not a nickname like she usually does and he's actually happy although he won't show it
some how and some day Xiàxuě and Chīwěn end up in a very heated argument about who knows what and lots of words were exhanged along with tears, anguish, and whatever else. because of this they don't talk to one another for several days and avoid the other
the nine Dragon Brides freaking about what's going to happen when they're all awaken tied to the trees. and then screaming and shouting when they all get taken away one by one wondering what really was going on and what not.
the nine Dragon Sons holding a "housewarming" party one at a time to mingle and what not and for the Dragon Brides to have sort of friendship with one another
could they do something with the floating lanterns and makes wishes ^^

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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all those hk/tvb actors oooh
when i saw tony leung i thought he was stephen chow XD
also aaron AND yangyang :OOOOOO
i didn't know yang yang and liu yifei did a drama together wth
def gotta check it out