Mini-rant about female leads

Weak female leads



Ladies, we need to change!!!!

And I say ladies because even though there may be some guys on this site, the majority of the writers and readers here are women. For that simple reason, if for nothing else, we should not be constantly showing such weak female leads in our writing. There are young girls on this site as well as mature ones, we need to set good examples and weak leads are our worst enemy. You know the types I mean:

1. They're weak willed and weak-minded. They don't stick up for themselves.

As a side note, I don't mean girls who've been verbally or physically abused until they thought that way, just the ones that are like that for no reason.

2. Girls who can't make a decision, no matter what. Why the hell can’t our main girl decide what she wants to wear, what food she likes and who the heck she loves?! Like not everything needs to be a damn question that takes hours. Ugh!

3. Girls who get threatened and do absolutely nothing.  Like I'm not expecting everyone to be a bad but dang if someone threatened your life, how about you get mad?!?!? At least say something!

4. The girl who doesn't want to be a burden to her guy so she takes crap from everyone in silence. Like why??? He's your man, right? Do you not want his help? That ish confuses me and I don’t get it.

5. Girls who need men to be strong or confident, what kind of message is that sending to our young girls? I recently read a fic about a girl whose whole life was controlled by men, her grandfather, her fiancé, and then she lets her new boyfriend save her from everyone. How lame is it that we can’t have leads who want to save themselves instead of whining?

In conclusion, we gotta fix this. Let’s have girls who know their minds, know what they want and aren’t afraid to rescue themselves. And no more damn love triangles, that indecision crap isn’t cute. That is all~


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I agree. We need more human-like leads because people can be both weak and strong depending on the situation. There are leads that I've run across who are too aggressive or emotionally challenged for the sake of being a badass and there are your marshmellow characters who never develope a backbone. All in all, it's a serious problem. Whether it's because the world tends to like the docile concept of a woman more, she doesn't have to be pathetic.
Agree, that's the main reason as to why I can't read most of the female lead stories out there, because it gets too annoying. I personally don't like when the OC (male or female, but since they're mostly females, I'll call them females) is too badass either, if you get my drift? Why can't people just write a female lead that's both weak and strong, gets beaten sometimes but can kick some serious too, that can be happy but stoic at the same time; that has mood swings and that acts like a normal person. Not the 'super weak' that can't do , or the 'super badass' that is perfect in every single way with her stoic face. It gets boring and unrealistic. The saddest part is that people that write stories like that are usually great authors, I just can't stand the way some portray their female leads. (note some, not all. I think we can all agree on that.)
I agree so much with this. All this weepy, weak-willed crap isn't attractive in the least bit.
Happy someone is finally calling it out.
RussianDoll #4
Hear, hear! I cannot stand weak female leads, I choose not to read those stories.
neonflowers #5
omg the number of badass female ocs in fics is increasing already let's all calm down
And I just want to add, as usual, that we need female leads with a uality too. Badass female leads that are feminine too! Don’t cloud “strong female lead” with masculine traits. Femininity is y and strong too! (Not that you in your blogpost has said anything to minimize female uality or femininity. I just want to shout it out loud all the time because some people, for some reason, read “strong female” and makes her a tomboy which is not necessary at all.)
Another great topic for discussion. That's one of the things that make it hard to find a good read. I'm a female so why would I want to represent females in the worst way? I can't do it.

My oc should reflect a measure of me and I should want to represent females in the best light, since I am female. That has always been a goal of mind since I started writing on this site.

There young girls I've talk to very young and they need examples and good roles to read about and admire. Women who are intelligent, who can take care of themselves, and know what they want out of life.

Young ladies who in there own right is a prize to any man even these k-pop men. I write for us ladies in the most realistic and positive way keeping in mind some readers are very young so lets elevate us females because we are strong and beautiful. It's been my goal and will remain my goal as a story teller.
I loved this rant XD
100% agreeing with you!

I want to see “strong, independent” woman vibe. The kind of oc that knows how to fight and stand up for herself. C’mon, it’s 2017 hahaha
Rightly said ^^
I usually don't have female leads in my stories but I do believe that female characters shouldn't be as you mentioned.
johnjaebaby #11
Omg! This is so right! I'd love to see the main female character to fight back when she treated badly.
People should write more strong female characters instead the ones who only sit there and do nothing or just being so indecisive it's annoying as hell!
I absolutely agree with you , I even tend to unsubscribe a fic if the main character like this, simply because it's frustrating me as I am totally the opposite of that.
I am 31 yrs old who raised between 3 older brother (13,12,6 yrs gab) who still see me as a weak and the baby of the family who can't make a good decision even tho they are depending on me so much and takes my advice if they have a problems with there wives, house, work and kids . But even tho they're still see me as a baby ,they respect me more as I didn't let them look down on me because I am the youngest member in the family started when I was in middle school.
You almost sound like a familiar voice on this site.
You do know a lot of the girls are young. I suppose many females writers have been watching some sad kdramas. I was reading a lot of those kind of stories. I am thinking a lot of Blk girls ain't going to let abusive girls have their way. That's what I think. What are you reading?
phippi92 #14
as a writer on this site, this was dully noted lol