Hey i have a question for people on this site

Why is this website a thing? What's it used for exactly? is there a reason you cant post these on fanfic.net or AO3? Or is this literally just a site dedicated to ization?


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I actually agree with you, I was just in with Yeti's furry ...

It's not. I would say it's just like other sites used to post fanfiction. I like it because of the socialization and friendly nature of the people here. I've gotten way more comments and made way more friends here than on any other site I've ever used. And I also like the format.

Also, most users don't solely use this site. I personally use this, ao3, and wattpad.
speaking boldly of es...
This is another outlet for FF and chatting just like WP, Tmblr and Ao3...yk, since FF.Net literally bites big furry yeti .

I hope I was able to help with your generic question :D
