101 questions to ask people (why tf am I doing this???)

This is strictly for MY viewing pleasure, TYVM...




101 questions to ask people (why tf am I doing this???)


  1. How are you, really?  I’m the dictionary definition of a “ing mess”
  2. How do you feel right now? What are you thinking about?  Whether I should drink or eat my dinner...and entertaining thots of Jae’s new doo, ngl!
  3. What’s your favorite color?  A deep and lovely forest green...bc yeah it IS!
  4. What’s your favorite food?  Uhm, pizza w/asiago cheese, bell pepper and PINEAPPLE (and yes Jae...it’s true)
  5. What’s your favorite dessert?  Crème Brule or Tapioca pudding...not a choco fan
  6. How old are you?  Are we talkin human, dog or soul time? But here: 38—266—600ish  
  7. What have you learned today? These questions are a pain in my a$$...and not the good kind.
  8. What was your favorite subject in school? English & Art
  9. What do you do? I am a child of the universe, write amateur gay (?) and I’m pretty good at fangirling over anything Min ing Yoongi...basically, I have no life. ;)
  10. What are some of your favorite books?  Uhm yeah, I’m a bit strange (eccentric?) in my reading as opposed to my writing but I love reference books like dictionaries & the thesaurus (yes I’ve actually read these cover 2 cover) plus I love: The Dictionary of Demons, and The Encyclopedia of Angels and I kind of collect books on the meanings of Names (Gaelic, Latin, Korean, English, etc...) 
  11. What are some of your favorite movies?  , Chronicles of Riddick (all 3 movies), Constantine (w/Keanu) and Blades of Glory & Talladega Nights (Fight me!)...can’t think of any ‘new’ that I actually devour on my free time. :( 
  12. What kind of music are you into?  EVERYTHING?  Kpop, Rock, Jazz, R&B, Goth, Metal, Classical, Dubstep (fight me!)
  13. If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?  I think titles (names again) are everything (words are power) AND I write stories already, not just FF although the supernatural is a definite recurring theme with titles like: Gemini Prophecy, Princess of Alba and Scion Legacy...
  14. What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done?  Uhm yeah, not going here...if you wanna know send me a private dm cause I don’t talk about this in public.
  15. What accomplishment are you most proud of?  Being able to raise a daughter as a single mom (for the most part) AND the fact I haven’t tortured my x-husband or burned his house to the ground (w/him in it)  :D
  16. Are you married?    THAT ! I was, cut that A-hole loose—and refuse to make that mistake again!
  17. How did you meet your spouse / girlfriend / boyfriend?  Lol...uhm, thru the US military...
  18. Do you think it’s better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while?  I think marriage is something everyone should experience at some point in their lives and age isn’t a factor—it depends on the maturity of the people involved—and if you choose to do this more than once...may the universe have mercy on your ing soul. 
  19. Do you have any kids?  I have a beautiful, intelligent and kind-hearted daughter (proud momma)
  20. Have you ever thought of adopting?  Yes, but won’t cause I’m too ed up, lol!
  21. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  Errr, I still don’t know?  I like everything but labels...I have two, 2-yr degrees I don’t use and almost thru with another 4-yr degree...I like learning, researching and writing and always have.
  22. How did you get into (insert carrer feild)?  I joined the military to get the away from my crazy- mother...
  23. Would you recommend [INSERT THEIR CAREER] for other people?  Why / Why not?  Uhm no, it takes a certain mindset and varying levels of courage/stupidity—I had something to prove—and I’m a in idiot...so I don’t recommend it to anyone.
  24. What do you do for fun?  I read, write, listen to music and once in a while see my 4 BFFs.
  25. Do you like traveling?  Yes but I don’t bc I have dev’d a fear crowds and flying on top of my already existing fear of water.
  26. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? South Korea, Morocco, India, Nepal
  27. Who are some people you’d like to meet someday?  Min Yoongi...bc he’s my in soulmate
  28. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?  Wow uhm, probably smth general like ‘don’t be a total all the time’ or ‘pull your head out of your you ing poser’...yk, the human-type stuff that boarders on common sense.
  29. What’s one of your favorite habits you have?  I cannot think without music on...it connects me, grounds me to this lovely reality I live in.
  30. What are some things that make you really happy?  Chatting with other humans who GET ME like Bby D (my personal Tokki) and Jae (my personal Prince Charming)
  31. What are some things that make you really sad?  DUDE, seriously?  There’s a reason I’m highly medicated and drink, lol!
  32. What are some things that scare you?   I know myself—my strengths, weaknesses and triggers...the only thing in this ed up world I’m afraid of is not being able to control ‘me’.
  33. Do you like to plan things out in detail or be spontaneous?  I will in cut you—I don’t do surprises and anything spontaneous is ‘of the devil’ *insert fierce glare & growl here*
  34. Are you a religious person?  I am a child of the universe—I believe that we are all energy and part of the total collective—as for organized religion and human interpretation of theology... that BS and the sin-pony it rode in on.
  35. If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?  LOL...myself in another life, like maybe one where I didn’t feel stressed and didn’t have my current hang-ups.
  36. Would you rather live in the country or in the city?  COUNTRY
  37. What was your life like growing up?  LOL, Southern Baptist mother with access to wooden spoons and married to a gay man...you figure it out.
  38. What were you like in high school?  Total without meds...I was a Delight.
  39. Do you have any brothers or sisters? How many?   ARGH!!!  Yes, an older brother...he’s a ing waste of goddamn good oxygen and haven’t spoken to him in years...my choice.
  40. What’s your favorite part about today so far?  NOT these questions or the screams of the neighbor’s kids, FFS!!!  But the weather is nice ;)
  41. Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it?  I learned patience, acceptance and tolerance from my dad and tried to learn whatever I could from all the other chuckles I’ve had the glorious chance to meet over the years.
  42. What’s your favorite joke?  What’s invisible & smells like carrots???  (suffer ers...dm if  you want the answer ;)
  43. Have you ever tried sushi? (Did you like it?)  *GAG-CHOKE-SPIT* I despise seaweed and seafood...absolutely disgusting...I can’t!
  44. Do you like spicy food?  Depends, I like savory with mild spice...not ‘hot’ for hot’s sake.
  45. How do you like your steak cooked?   DUDE...no...just...I’m a vegetarian...can I just order the pasta primavera...PLZ!!!
  46. Do you have a favorite number? Any particular reason why you like that number?  My favorite number is 3...idkw...
  47. If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why?  I AM A LIONESS...NOT SOFT (Jae...DoN’T...)
  48. What’s one of the strangest things you’ve ever done? Lol, I am actually ‘friends’ with my X-husband (even tho I roast him, a lot, I’ve earned that right) AND his wife...bc of my daughter.
  49. What kind of vacations do you like? I like mountains, trees and grass...I HATE SAND & WATER...I will end you...
  50. What are some of your major goals in life?  Write well and maybe someday get paid for it, lol!
  51. What are some of your smaller goals in life?  World peace and end global famine and disease...to me, goals shouldn’t be seen as small or large, good or bad...they just are.
  52. What do you like least about yourself?  My ability to disassociate and compartmentalize for long periods of time.
  53. What embarrasses you? Usually my mouth...bc I don’t have a filter nor feel the need to censor myself...normal folk don’t take kindly to that, lol!  It doesn’t bother me, it bothers them but I do suffer from 2nd hand embarrassment bc of it.
  54. If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try? I wanna make bagels...stfu!
  55. What’s your earliest memory?  Of this life or a previous one...I got several, lol!
  56. What’s the best decision you ever made?   Leaving my in mother’s house...
  57. Who’s your best / closest friend? I have 4 irl (Sammy, Josie, Jackie & Darcy) and of course my onliners are Bby D and Jae (Marshmallow too...but she’s sooo busy w/uni)
  58. What do you think people think of you? I seriously don’t give a ...but yeah, I got 4 friends so the math is pretty easy, right?!
  59. What were your grades like in school?  A/Bs...until I was forced into geometry...jfc, total failure!!!
  60. If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn? I thrive on knowing random ...how about I actual learn smth worth knowing???
  61. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Errr, I AM an introvert...but I’ve learned to overcome this...I’m like a force of nature now...just can’t stop myself most of the time...and I tend to be overbearing and without a filter it rubs humanity the wrong way, lol!
  62. Have you ever taken a personality test? (How did the results turn out?) Yeah, love taking these bc they usually all say ‘in psycho’
  63. What’s the first thing you notice about people? EYES...windows to the soul DUDE!
  64. Do you think people can control their own destiny? I think people believe they can and I agree to a certain extent—I personally believe a soul has the ability to choose their own paths in life—but overall destiny and final outcome...no, I don’t believe anyone can change ‘why’ they’re here and ‘what’ lesson they have to learn.
  65. Do you think all people are equally valuable, or do you think some people in certain situations might be more valuable than others (say, a severely retarded patient vs. a doctor who could potentially save hundreds of lives)?   I believe that everyone’s soul weighs the same—one is not greater or lesser in value than another—what confuses us and cause us to ‘judge’ others is how different souls manifest themselves...when they don’t mirror our own actions, beliefs, feelings or even image, we take this as a personal attack or threat...it’s stupid and petty...just stop.
  66. Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?  I don’t associate good & evil as simply black & white—there’s too many shades of gray in the world—each person has their own way of learning, thinking, feeling, acting and the list is endless...who am I to say one is acceptable while another is not...there’s a lot of things I find ‘destructive’ and if a soul partakes in smth they need to be able to take as well as give (kill/be killed as an extreme)...it’s not a game and it’s not pretty...choices are made and consequences are applied...it is what it is. 
  67. Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, and practices of individuals or groups?  I think a soul is given a certain framework of values when they enter this plane of existence—we are able to grow, build and shape the current life around these...it’s what we do with knowledge from the lessons we’re shown that dictates our actions...when we run out of lessons for this life we start over...not everyone believes in this stuff, not even my BFFs, lol!
  68. Do you think God exists?  I don’t think my mother’s god exists...but as far as an intelligent and caring entity governing a collective vault of souls...yeah, I’d like to believe that...one that gives this life (and all my other ones) a foundation and reason for being here...otherwise, wtf is the point?  And I NEED to see a point in things.
  69. Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?  Lol, uhm yeah...but I don’t think it has anything to do with organized religion and the musings of in ‘human’ intelligence.
  70. Do you vote? Why / Why not? If you do vote, how do you usually vote?   I’ve earned my right to vote just like I’ve earned the right to drive a 3/4 ton ing pickup truck...and when I vote, I let my conscious do the voting bc I have to live with myself and , there’s always Canada & Mexico, right???
  71. Do you think gay people choose to be gay? Do you think straight people choose to be straight?   DUDE, I don’t think it’s a choice—just like gender isn’t a choice—it’s a biological crap shoot called DNA (maybe fate?)...it’s whatever we end up with...if it were a choice I’d be my and waiting for Min Yoongi to stroll thru my in door.
  72. Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when?  Uhm no, torture should never be an option—even under the Geneva Convention and rules of combat engagement this is limited—I’m not a fan nor a supporter...but the exists.  As far as Karma being a —good luck if you decide to live this way...you’re gonna in need it.
  73. Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people?   No, I wouldn’t kill an innocent, I would die saving that person’s life—but I’m not a saint—bc I would definitely kill someone who (in my mind) deserved it...thank the universe I only have 1 trigger in this area of my life...and I hope no one ever tests me.
  74. What’s the most money you’ve ever given away?  DUDE, I pay taxes every ing year...I hate you, lol!
  75. What’s the biggest personal change you’ve ever made?  Conceding to a stupid (in my mind) set of standards and ideology for the sake of someone I love more than life itself.
  76. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?   Become friends w/my X after he ed me and my daughter over (with a stripper) while I was out of the country for 6 months (explanation to question 75)...WoW, that was a ride from in Hell, ngl!
  77. What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take toward ending poverty around the world? Damn...stop treating each other differently bc of religion, political stance, gender or in skin color...tolerance and acceptance will do more than trade embargos with other countries that don’t share a common belief sytem!
  78. What do you think we could do to best improve the education system?  Making education available to everyone equally—even if it’s just the first 2 yrs of uni—instead of basing it on tuition ($$)...we do this in the public schools, so why is uni different?
  79. In general, what do you think about art?  I love art of all types—media doesn’t matter...it’s an outlet for the soul whether you’re creating, viewing or participating.
  80. What are some of your favorite websites?  AFF, Ao3, Twitter, Tmblr, Youtube, Hollyuback @ https://www.youtube.com/user/KRTVtv
  81. What’s the biggest turnoff in a man/woman?  I have an aversion to cheaters, liars and players in general... gender, idec...an assclown is an assclown...I don’t have time for any of that .
  82. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?  My biggest lie was never said out loud (nor will it be)...I keep it buried within myself...my silence has become as much of the lie as if I were to speak the truth...it will go to the grave with me.
  83. What’s something most people don’t know about you?  There are a lot of things people don’t know about me—and trust me on this...you don’t want to know, lol!
  84. What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?  I HATE the smell of seafood (?) like it literally makes me *GAG*, I LOVE animals and I think Min Yoongi is a ing GOD.
  85. What are some of the first things you do in the morning? Let the kids out—kids being 2 dogs and 1 cat and think about eating breakfast, lunch or dinner—depending on if I actually slept or not...cause THAT is an oddity for me.
  86. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? *splat*  uhm...I’m going with running out of beer...cause seriously...I’m medicated for a reason and you don’t have the credentials to hear about any of that , lmfao!!!
  87. Do you cry easily?  UGH, these in questions make me look like a goddamn terrorist, ffs!  NO on average I’m not a crier...but, like everyone else I wallow is self-pity, doubt, and have my triggers...
  88. How do you feel about public speaking?  Uhm no...it’s like being in front of a room full of ex-lover...awKWarD!!!
  89. Do you like to talk on the phone?  Not a fan of it, nope...won’t answer unless I know the number, lol!
  90. How many emails do you get each week, roughly?  FML...I delete at least 10 every ing day...off two accounts.
  91. If someone were to make a movie about your life, who would you hope would play you?  Ok...not even for like a ton of $$ would I let my life story out into the general public...I’m medicated, not stupid.
  92. What’s one of your favorite questions to ask new friends or to get a conversation going? Do you want fries with that?  LMFAO...DUDE, I have 4 friends...I’m tapped!
  93. Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?   On purpose?  Wtf?  Like NO—‘extreme’ my ...this can kill you, wtaf???
  94. Have you ever been in a fist fight?   Errr, yes...shortest answer ever.
  95. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled?   I’m not a prankster or a hipster, stfu.
  96. What did you do on your 16th birthday?   Ate cake then attempted to drink 1/2 the keg...I think...can’t remember, lol!
  97. What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?  TEACHERS & Education...they don’t enough pay for the schooling, training, and ed up parents they have to tolerate...plus some of the actual they see with abuse is a nightmare!!!
  98. How would you explain your basic life philosophy?  Learn the lesson & move da on.  You can quote me, lol!
  99. Would you rather be hated or forgotten?   WoW, for a change...I’d like to try forgotten this time, please & thank you.
  100.  If you knew you would die tomorrow, would you feel cheated today?   Lmfao, seriously?  Uhm no, I can’t say that I’d feel cheated over 24 hours, not after some of the I’ve        consciously done within that same given time period.
  101.  What was the last picture you took?  I took a pic of my cat, Murphy—who has a foot          —of which he’s very proud of...it can be used as blackmail later, if need be.  ;)






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