
"Why did you purposely bring me here?" A male of average height inquired, curious as he followed a taller man deeper into the hideout. 

"I have something to show you." Came the short response, making the former sigh and look around. There were equipment of the most advanced technology, several glass cases filled with some sort of bubbling liquid, and the most queer - a something that resembled a coffin propped against one wall, with chains wrapped around it and something causing it to rattle and shake. 

He shuddered, and quickened his footsteps. "Jaehwan, what exactly is this place?" 

There was a slight pause, then the taller picked up his pace again and continued along the seemingly never-ending corridor. At last, he said, "My own research facility. It's beautiful, isn't it? It's equipped with the latest technology equipments, as well as other tools that can aid my cause. There are things in here, Seokjin. Things that can protect or kill humankind." 

The young man named Seokjin stopped abruptly at the last sentence as chills ran down his spine. "Why?" The word came out as a bare whisper, but it didn't matter. There were no sounds in the brightly lit corridor, save for the sounds of their footsteps and the occassional bubbling of the liquid, so it echoed and bounced off the walls. 

"Why, you ask." Jaehwan, noticing that there was only one pair of footsteps, stopped and mused, putting his hands into the pockets of his laboratory coat, but still had his back to the other. "I will tell you, but another time. For now, I advise you to remain in the unknown. It is better, for you and your sanity." A dark shadow came running out of the darkness looming before them, a leopard which was murky green in colour and had red eyes. With a start, Seokjin realised it had made no sound, nor was its form particularly solid.

Placing a gloved hand onto the animal, the scientist continued. "This is one of my newest creations. Say hello, Lythia." The animal purred and bowed its head at the other, who gave a start. "She's the first man-made animal, but from a different substance of any of the already discovered elements or whatever else. Unfortunately, this form is weak, and could not maintain long." She purred again. "Therefore she needs rest. However, it's a start."

Seokjin shook his head. "This is unnatural, Jaehwan. You're disturbing the laws of nature itself. What would the Church say about this?" 

"The Church will cooperate when the time comes," At last, the man turned around, revealing a smirk on his face. "Either that, or die trying. Come on, we must hurry." Turning promptly on his heel, Jaehwan continued, yet at a much faster pace. 

"But why?" The younger shouted as he ran to catch up. "There's no reason for you to do this - "

"There's every reason to." This was spoken quietly. "But you only need to know one. Now, if you wish to find out, follow me. You can still turn back, Seokjin. Turn back and forget this place. Forget everything I told you and live a normal life. You can aid me, or destroy me. It's your choice."

Seokjin bit his lip, hands balled into fists by his side. "I'll follow you. But it doesn't mean I support your cause or intentions. It's because you're my friend, and you're clearly straying off path. None of this - " He waved at hand at the glass pods arranged neatly and placed onto shelves attached to the stone walls, with strange and queer creatures floating in them. " - is normal. What you're doing is defying the laws of nature. That's why I'll follow you. That's all there is." 

Jaehwan grinned for the first time, reminding the younger of the sunshine smiles he display on his face in their childhoods, except this contained no positive emotions. "It depends, on what you define as normal." A shocked expression appeared on the other's features as if he was knocked back physically. "But, oh well. Do as you like."

I was watching an anime where the main antagnonist was a mad scientist who fooled around with biological weapons www

Got inspired cause of that :3

And wtf I should be doing my homework - 



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